The Junkers Ju 87 Stuka: A Complete History
This book is an in-depth look at the Ju 87. When the title says a complete history, it means just that! This book covers the development of the Stuka up to modern day survivors. It has coverage of each variant as well as every area of combat in which the Stuka fought.
The first two chapters cover the development and genus of the design. Touching on its competitors as well and giving interesting comparisons. This is followed by the next six chapters. Each of which covers the specifics of each of the following variants, the Anton, Bertha, Caesar and Richard as well as their use in combat both theoretical and actuality. Operations in Poland at the onset of WWII are also covered. I found Chapter Five on the “C” variant for use on the carrier Graf Zeppelin particularly informative and interesting.
The next 18 chapters cover all the major fronts and battles in which the Stuka was used from France to the Eastern Front concluding with night bomber operations. Chapters covering the Dora and Gustav variants are also contained in this section. Each of these chapters offers the reader much to learn. The final chapter covers surviving aircraft and partial airframes.
Appendices cover everything from aircraft and unit emblems to loss and damage reports on the Eastern Front. Appendix V is of particular interest as it contains parts of the Junkers manual for the Ju 87.
This book gives us a well documented and researched look into the development, manufacture and operation of the Ju 87. This book will be of interest to the aviation historian, Luftwaffe historian, aircraft buff and modeler alike. For the modeler the color profiles and pictures as well as detail and interior shots will prove useful. I liked this book and can recommend it to all of the above. Our thanks to Specialty Press for the review copy!

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