Hub Plott

IPMS Number

Reviews By Author

Polish Wings 39

Polish Wings #39 Caudron-Renault CR.714 Cyclone

Book Author(s): N/A
Company: Stratus

This is number 39 in the Polish Wings series and it covers the French-built Caudron-Renault CR.714. The book is 104 pages and contains 118 B&W photos, nine color photos, 51 color camouflage aircraft profile illustrations(some including top and bottom views), and six marking illustrations in color totaling 195 pictures and illustrations.

The book begins with a brief overview of the aircraft in Polish service. About 36 Cr.714s were assigned to GC1/145 Polish Squadron in France. This was the only Allied squadron to use the CR.714 in combat.

The bulk of the book covers the operational history of the CR.714 by the Poles throughout the Battle of France. This section is filled with many B&W photos, many not seen before. There are also many wonderful color profiles of the… more


Wrecks & Relics: 29th Edition

Company: Crecy Publishing, Ltd.

This book is 349 pages long with 84 color photos and dozens of B&W photos. It has information on over 4000 aircraft in around 700 locations throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland. Whether it be in a museum, private collection, military gate guard, junkyard or even backyard, you will find information on the preserved aircraft, wrecks, cockpits, and major sections. The book is broken down into 10 major sections. After the preface and acknowledgments there is a use guide and then sections by geographical background. These geographical sections are broken down to England, Scotland, Wales, Channel Islands, Northern Ireland, and Ireland. Each of these sections are then separated out in alphabetical order by County and City/town. All known existing aircraft or substantial remains are… more

Book Cover

F-80 Shooting Star in Detail and Scale

Book Author(s): Bert Kinzey; Art by Rock Roszak
Company: Detail & Scale, Inc.

Detail & Scale publications should be well known to all but the newest to our hobby. They have a long history of publishing well-written and documented, photo-rich books covering all the variants and details as well as model kits available.

This is volume twenty in their new series of publications. The book is 102 pages long with 250 photos of which approximately 180 are in color, and 12 aircraft color profiles.

The book is laid out in the standard D&S format. Beginning with the introduction followed by a well-written history of the aircraft. Next, there is a history of each of the variants built(excluding the T-33 which is a book unto itself) and the F-80 in the Korean War.

Next comes the details photograph sections. Here we are treated to a wealth of… more


Aeronautica Macchi Fighters

Book Author(s): Lugino Caliaro
Company: Crecy Publishing, Ltd.

This is the definitive book on the Macchi Mc.200.202 & 205. With over 650 photos, color artworks, detailed art and line drawings contained in its 224 pages.

The book is divided into twelve sections. The first covers the development of the Aeronautica Macchi company founded by Guilio Macchi in 1913 up through modern times. It also covers the sleek and fast Macchi seaplanes designed for the times air races. Chapter two covers aspects of production and is the shortest chapter in the book at only two pages. Chapter three covers how the monoplane fighter evolved in Italy. Ouching on the Fiat G.50 and IMAM Ro.51 but concentrating on the Mc.200. Chapter four covers the Mc.200 Saetta(Lightning) of which over 1100 were built. Due to production limitations at Macchi, license-built… more

Medal of Honor volume 6

Medal of Honor, Volume 6: AAF Aviators of WW2, Part 2

Book Author(s): Alan Durkota
Company: Aeronaut Books

From Wikipedia: The Medal of Honor (MOH) is the United States Armed Forces' highest military decoration and is awarded to recognize American soldiers, sailors, marines, airmen, guardians, and coast guardsmen who have distinguished themselves by acts of valor. The medal is normally awarded by the President of the United States (the commander in chief of the armed forces) and is presented "in the name of the United States Congress." It is often, but incorrectly, referred to as the Congressional Medal of Honor.

This is volume six in the series and part two dealing with WWII USAAC aviators awarded the MOH. The book is 185 pages long with 206 photos of which 28 are in color, 43 aircraft color profile plus 3 color top views, and 4 formation diagrams. Those awarded the MOH covered in… more

Book Cover

North American OV-10 Bronco

Book Author(s): By Mike Verier
Company: Guideline Publications

This is number 140 in the now very familiar Warpaint series from Guideline and covers the NA OV-10 Bronco. This volume has 104 pages with over 20 pages of color profiles and 250 B&W and color images.

The OV-10 has a long and distinguished history be it as a warplane or firefighter. The book is broken down into six sections. Section one discusses the beginnings of Counter Insurgence aircraft (COIN) and Light Armed Reconnaissance Aircraft (LARA) of which the Bronco would be the victor of the design competition and fly off. One of the best parts of this section to me at least is the coverage of all the various designs that vied for the contract. I was aware of the Convair Charger from another publisher’s book but had no idea that nine different companies offered designs up for… more

Front Cover

Legends of Warfare F8F Bearcat

Book Author(s): David Doyle
Company: David Doyle Books

David Doyle is well known to historians and modelers alike, with over 200 books to his credit. His Legends of Warfare series covers many of the important machines used in warfare. This latest volume is for the Grumman F8F Bearcat. The F8F was the last and ultimate of the Grumman propeller driven fighters. Too late for combat in WWII and with the dawn and superiority in speed of the jet, the Bearcat order was cut down considerably. The only combat was while serving with the French in Indochina. Like its contemporaries, the Sea Fury, and the La-9/11, the F8F was fast and maneuverable. And like the sea Fury it survived because of that speed and maneuverability making it a favorite on the air show circuit and air racing.

The book is broken down into an introduction and two chapters… more

Front Cover

Russian Bombers

Book Author(s): David Baker
Company: Tempest Books

Just as when one thinks of American bombers the iconic B-52 comes to mind, when thinking of Russian bombers, the same can be said for the Tu-95 Bear. The Allies had done much to prove the success of and need for long range strategic bombers in their defeat of the Nazis and Japan. The Russians (then Soviets) like many countries, had not developed much in the way of long-range bombers prior to and during WWII. The success of the British and American long-range bombers during the war would change that for the Russians.

With a few American B-29s making emergency landings in Russia during operations against Japan, the Soviets were given an engineering opportunity to not only study the B-29 but per Stalin’s direction to completely reverse engineer it to become the Tupelov Tu-4.… more

SAM Magazine Cover Vol 45

Scale Aircraft Modelling Magazine Vol. 45 #6 August 2023

Company: Guideline Publications

"Scale Aircraft Modelling", or SAM as it is affectionately known, is well known to aircraft modelers around the world. I had not seen a copy since our local Barnes and Noble closed. The magazine has really done well under Gary Hatcher’s leadership. This issue is packed full of useful information and interesting articles. Aside from the usual sections of new kits, accessories and books coming out, the reader is presented with then articles.

One article that stood out to me is about Jon Tabinour’s AMX in a commemorative WWII Italian scheme. This aircraft has a truly intricate paint scheme and his technique for replicating it, while exhaustively time consuming, has yielded outstanding results! To replicate the intricate and dense squiggle pattern, he used Winsor Newton ‘Promarker… more

Front cover

P-47 Razorbacks of 8th AF Colours

Book Author(s): Artur Juszczak
Company: Mushroom Model Publications - MMP Books

This book presents 104 color profiles of 8th Air Force P-47 B, C and D razorbacks. Profiles contain aircraft of the 4th, 56th, 78th, 352nd. 353rd, 355th, 359th, 361st, 495th fighter groups and 5th Rescue squadron are all within these pages. All are beautifully reproduced in color with many great schemes to be modeled. This is a great companion for building the new Dora Wings P-47B/C kit that has been just released.

Each profile caption contains a brief description of the colors and markings used on the aircraft as well as a brief history of actions and each airframe’s ultimate fate.

This is a fantastic color profile book that is worthy of the reference collection of any P-47, 8th AF or WWII aviation fan or modeler. Highly recommended to all!

Our thanks to… more