The Japanese Destroyer Fubuki 16061. Super Drawings in 3D
Thanks to Casemate Books and IPMS USA for the review copy!
Kagero Publishing has produced a large number of WW2 single-warship books from their Super Drawings in 3D series. These are reference works of the highest quality, detail, and interest for modelers. Each book has roughly 82-92 pages (92 for Fubuki), beginning with a short biography of the ship followed by a wealth of CG (computer-generated), three-dimensional, full-color drawings of appearance and fittings from a myriad of perspectives. For the Fubuki, a large, separate foldout of 1:200 scale B&W line drawings of side/top views in her 1941 fit, and details of fittings and close-ups in various scales on the obverse side are also included.
All sorts of views, and close-ups of ship sections, and fittings (turrets, boats, torpedo tubes, masts, radars, etc.) are exquisitely illustrated in accurate color. The detail of the drawings allows a modeler to get as detailed as one wants. An experienced modeler will understand that universal fittings for each navy’s warships are also found on other ships, so any book will serve as a guide for common fittings per each navy.
The importance of the Fubuki class of destroyers (DDs) introduced in the late 1920’s is covered well, as these destroyers forever changed other navies’ designs, making DDs become bigger, faster, and more powerful. The Imperial Japanese Navy upped the ante for destroyers at a time when the other major navies had huge numbers of leftover WW1 destroyers, made instantly obsolete by the Fubukis. Similar to what HMS Dreadnought did for battleships 20 years earlier. There were three flights (Types) of Fubukis, distinguished by different main turret types, different shape of air intakes on funnels, torpedo reload features, and a small forefunnel size for flight 3 (Type 3). Fubuki was the name ship of ten Type 1 “cruiser destroyers,” with ten Type 2 and four Type 3.
I have a few issues with this particular publication – highly unusual for Kagero 3D. First, the Overview text in the front of the book. The content is mostly fine, but the translation to English suffered heavily. I actually chuckled at the choice of words, like “…she was ravaged by several granades…” describing the demise of the Fubuki under US cruiser gunfire. Grammar suffered as well, making for an entertaining read. Even so, the flexibility of the English language allows most readers the ability to understand what was meant. I would be glad to offer editorial assistance for these Introductions in the future if Kagero 3D is open to help.
Another issue is some confusion relating the fit of Fubuki class ships during WW2. It may never be fully documented which ships had which modifications when, but the general change in appearances and armament are well known. Exactly when refits happened is more difficult to determine, but can obviously be pinpointed to time spent undergoing refits at major naval bases. For example, the Fubuki is depicted with Type B or C main turrets on the cover and throughout the book, when it was lost with original Type A turrets, according to the references at my disposal. The two aft-most torpedo tubes were pointing at each other, not both pointing forward. Cutters (motor boats) between the funnels are missing, and clearly shown for Type 1 Fubukis pre-war. She is also depicted with a hull number (actually squadron markings along with funnel bands) and the name of the ship in Kanji on her side. These were removed from all IJN DDs at the start of WW2 (by December 1941). Thus, this book depicts Fubuki in her early 1941 guise as a semi-hybrid of all three Fubuki Types.
Another issue is the linoleum deck. Panels were held down and connected by brass strips, which appear (as gray) on the front cover. But in the drawings, linoleum is shown with cleats like the steel decks used, and no brass strips. This is not correct – there was no cleating on linoleum, and ships kept brass strips throughout the war, especially for an early war loss like Fubuki (lost October 11-12, 1942). Do not color aftermarket cleated decks with Linoleum red-brown for Fubuki class linoleum decks.
That said, I do not want readers to ignore the exceptionally detailed appearance of the ship. The details are needed to accurize the mostly poor kit choices in 1/700 scale for the Fubuki class. This book has everything one needs to get the details right, except as noted above.
If you want to build Fubuki class destroyers in any scale, this is an excellent modeling reference. In fact, it will drive you crazy with its accuracy and detail – you are forewarned. No other single resource I have seen compares to this book for building the Fubuki class. Recommended with the caveat that other references will be needed if one wants to accurize their Fubuki class Type 1 DD to a certain time.
- Figure 1: Front cover ofThe Japanese Destroyer Fubuki.
- Figure 2: Back cover of The Japanese Destroyer Fubuki.
- The Maru Special. Japanese Naval Vessels. No. 7, 8343-7, 1976 [in Japanese]
- The Maru Special. Japanese Naval Vessels. No. 17, 8343-3, 1978 [in Japanese]
- The Maru Special. Japanese Naval Vessels. No. 21, 8343-11, 1978 [in Japanese]
- Maru Editorial Department. Mechanism of Japanese Destroyers. 4, Japan, 1999. ISBN 4-7698-0898-4 [in Japanese]
- Whitley, M.J. Destroyers of World War Two. Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, MD, USA, 1988. ISBN 0-87021-326-1

Reviewer Bio
Luke R. Bucci, PhD
Luke built all kinds of models starting in the early '60s, but school, wife Naniece, and work (PhD Clinical Nutritionist) caused the usual absence from building. Picked up modeling to decompress from grad school, joined IPMSUSA in 1994 and focused on solely 1/700 warships (waterline!) and still do. I like to upgrade and kitbash the old kits and semi-accurize them, and even scratchbuild a few. Joined the Reviewer Corps to expand my horizon, especially the books nobody wants to review - have learned a lot that way. Shout out to Salt Lake and Reno IPMSUSA clubs - they're both fine, fun groups and better modelers than I, which is another way to learn. Other hobbies are: yes, dear; playing electric bass and playing with the canine kids.
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