IDF M51 Sherman Crew – Ammo - Storage
Verlinden Productions continues to be on the front line releasing many items for Middle East War model builders. This set is just another offering in their LONG line of items directly designed for the IDF modeler. This set is designed for the newly released Tamiya M-51 kit! Other than a couple issues, you could cover your M51 with period gear plus get a three piece crew set. All the items are well cast and bubble free. The detail on all the parts is quite incredible. The figure faces have some great detail as well. What is included in the set is the following:
- 2 – half figures. One for the Commander and loader.
- 1 – quarter figure. Best for the driver or radio operator.
- 4 – 105mm wooden ammunition crates. 2 open and 2 closed.
- 5 – 105mm cardboard ammunition tubes.
- 3 – HE rounds.
- 2 – HEAT rounds. One Combat and one training.
- 2 – SABOT rounds. One combat and one training.
- 1 – large L-shaped stowage bundle for the rear deck.
- 4 – 105mm spent ammunition casings.
- 8 - .50 cal Modern Era ammunition cases.
- 5 – Strapped up bedrolls.
- 5 – .30 cal WWII Era ammunition cases.
- 2 – Large strapped bedrolls.
- 2 – Butt/backpacks.
- 1 – Metal toolbox.
- 1 – Super large strapped bedroll
- 4 – Canteens in Vietnam Era holders.
- 1 - .50 cal machinegun
- 1 - .50 cal ammunition tray with closed ammunition box.
For the price, you really can’t go wrong. You get all this great stowage plus a three piece crew! The figures are wearing WWII/Vietnam Era fatigues and come with the T-56 Vietnam ERA CVC. All that is missing is the boom mikes and C box wire. Even though this is a great set for the money, there are several down sides. The included Sabot rounds are wrong for IDF use. The French made SABOT is a completely different looking beast and the HEAT rounds I am not sure of. The .50 cal cradle and receiver are molded together and, while it is a gorgeous piece, my barrel was separate and badly warped. Hopefully, it’s an easy hot water fix or a Lion Mark replacement might be in order. The ammunition box and cradle is another nice little gem and it would be great if Verlinden released these are separate items. This is a definitely recommend and will made stowing out your Tamiya M51 a snap!

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