German Air Projects 1935-1945, Vol. 4
This is the fourth and final volume in MMP’s German Air Projects series that covers Luft46 “might have beens.” This particular volume covers attack, multi-purpose, and “other” subjects. The “other” is essentially an addendum to the other 3 volumes, and covers subjects that were previously omitted, or subjects about which new information has been uncovered. Without the “other” section, this would be a very slim volume! Illustrations throughout the book consist of line drawings and artist renderings – there are no photos in this book as everything is conjecture.
The first 38 pages of the book cover attack and multi-purpose aircraft, arranged by manufacturer. Line drawings accompany many of the sections.
Pages 39 through 64 cover other types of aircraft not previously written about in previous volumes (or those with newly discovered information). Again, many line drawings accompany the text.
The rest of the book is dedicated to a large number of artist renderings of the various hypothetical aircraft in action. Each page has one nicely done, computer generated color drawing. There are 48 illustrations in this section, and each brings one of these interesting aircraft to life.
This is a very limited subject matter, but the author has done a very nice job of compiling what limited data there is into a readable format. I have not read any of the other volumes, but imagine they are a bit more expansive as “attack and multi-purpose” is not quite as large of a category as “fighters” or “bombers” would be. If those other volumes are anything like the quality of this one, then those interested in the subject would do well to gather the entire series.
I would recommend this to anyone having an interest in Luft46 subjects. There is not much out there covering this topic, so to have something of this quality as a resource is great to see.
Thanks to MMP Books for providing the sample and to IPMS/USA for allowing me to review it.

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