Fokker D.VII F Decals – Fighting Fokkers Part 5

Published on
April 24, 2013
Review Author(s)
Product / Stock #
Base Kit
Wingnut Wings 1/32 Fokker D.VII F
Company: Wingnut Wings, Ltd - Website: Visit Site
Provided by: Wingnut Wings, Ltd - Website: Visit Site
Decal Package

Released simultaneously with the Fokker D.VII F kit, this decal set provides five alternative markings for the BMW IIIa-powered version of this famous fighter. It is the fifth in a series of decal sets that Wingnut Wings now offers for the different versions of their Fokker D.VII kits. This set includes two decal sheets, printed by Cartograf. The larger sheet contains the personal markings for each of the aircraft, with codes, national markings, and a variety of panel sections with bands and shapes that wrap around the fuselage. These panels have a number of indents and holes located within them that coincide with the location of openings for control lines, fuel filler ports, etc. The second sheet provides additional sizes of national markings, instrument decals, data plates, propeller markings, and additional stencils. The crosses on these sheets also contain holes in the printed areas where control lines pass through, and some are split into two pieces where they cross over from the wing to aileron or from fin to rudder.

The set includes the now-familiar full-color 4-page instructions booklet that mirrors the look of the instruction books included in WNW kits. It contains full placement information beginning with side profiles on the cover and upper and lower views, with contemporary black and white photographs of the actual aircraft on the rest of the pages. Decal locations are called out on the profiles with numbers keyed to those on the decal sheets as well as letters keyed to the paint colors that are needed to complete each of the schemes. As a further aid to the modeler, a list of the correct parts from the kit that need to be used for each of the different aircraft also is included, along with a brief historical narrative about the aircraft and the pilot(s) who flew it.

The five schemes are:

  1. Fokker D.VII F 465/18, Georg von Hantelmann, Jasta 15 & JG II, October 1918 (25 victories)
  2. Fokker D.VII F 7716/18, Bruno Loerzer (?), Jasta 26 & JG III, (44 victories) November 1918, Hermann Göring (22 victories), April, 1920
  3. Fokker D.VII F, Otto Löffler (?), Jasta 2, Late 1918 (15 victories)
  4. Fokker D.VII F, “Red Z”, Jasta 26 (?), November 1918
  5. Fokker D.VII F, Fritz Haack, Jasta 46, Late 1918

The decals are accurately registered and crisply printed in vibrant opaque colors with minimal carrier film surrounding the printed images. The film may seem to be slighter thicker than some other aftermarket sets, but it does not appear so after the decals are applied and sealed with a clear coat. Wingnut Wings’ website recommends against using a setting solution when applying their decals. Instead, the recommended method of getting the large decals to snuggle down and conform to any surface is by applying heat with a hair dryer to heat-shrink them onto the surface. However, I have found the large Cartograf decals will adhere nicely to a painted surface if they are floated onto the surface with warm water and then blotted carefully with a soft cloth or Q-tip to squeeze out all of the water and bubbles. A mild setting solution may then be applied if necessary around the edges of any of the decals – if applied with care and not allowed to pool on or around the decals. However, model builders should take note of Wingnut Wings’ recommendation to apply heat with a hair dryer to the larger decals if they do not settle into recesses or follow contours. I will admit that I haven’t tried it yet, but I’ve read many reports that say it works.

As with the other Wingnut Wings D.VII decal sets, lozenge decals are not included in set #30010 because modelers are expected to use the ones provided in the kit. Or, generic topside and underside lozenge decal sets also are available from Wingnut Wings. It is important to note that Wingnut Wings’ decal sets may only be ordered directly from Wingnut Wings. See their website for ordering instructions.

This decal set is highly recommended for anyone who wants to model a Fokker D.VII F in different markings than those supplied in the WNW kit. My thanks to Wingnut Wings and IPMS/USA for providing this decal set. I appreciate the opportunity to review it.


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