F3H Demon Detail Sets
Many modelers were excited with the release of the 1/48th scale Demon series from Hobbyboss, as the only kits available prior to this were limited run kits from Grand Phoenix, Collectaire, and a vacuform, too, I believe. For those desiring that extra shimmer to a nice kit, Aires has come to the rescue with five sets to add even more detail. The sets, prices and part numbers are listed below:
Set | Part number | Price |
Cockpit Set | 4529 | $21.95 |
Speed Brake Set | 4532 | $16.95 |
Wheel Well Set | 4534 | $21.95 |
Electronic Bay Set | 4530 | $16.95 |
Gun Bay Set | 4535 | $21.95 |
The cockpit set is comprised of 18 excellent resin pieces and a photoetched fret for the seat belts, instrument panel, and various cockpit details. The seat is much more finely cast than the kit parts. The same goes for the sidewall, which is easy to see with the large glass canopy. I am not knocking the kit parts – they are superb for plastic, but the resin is better detailed due to its depth. The same is true of the cockpit tub – both are nice but the detail is superior in the Aires tub.
Hobbyboss included photoetch parts to indicate the hole in the speedbrake and they are good but, as you can see from the comparison shot, the Aires has much finer detail and smaller holes. Also, the kit backing to the photoetch is a solid piece and that is inaccurate, while Aires has a rail-like system which is extremely accurate. The speedbrake bays are also better detailed in the Aires resin set.
The wheel bay set includes 18 resin parts and a small photoetched fret. The front and main wheel bays are cast as a single piece each. The kit nose bay is 5 pieces and the detail is clear. The resin set includes parts such as tanks and receivers not found on the kit. The main bays in the kit have indented dots while the actual wheel bays had raised rivets (at least that is what they look like) so, in this case, both are good but the Aires set is more accurate.
The electronics bays are not present in the kit so this is more detail! The detail is excellent and the set is pure simplicity: open the nose and thin the plastic. The set is two parts that are glued back-to-back and then enclosed in the nose. Two excellently cast doors are added and you have a wide open nose.
Lots of resin goodness in the gun bay set, with 39 resin parts and four photoetch pieces. The kit will need the doors removed and this set is for the four-gun version. The bays have PE door edges installed, and then the gun bays, which have PE shell chutes. Based on location, this set will require the most dry fitting and work but should yield excellent results.
In summary, modelers finally have a nice kit of the Demon and Aires has supplied five options for adding superb detail to the kit. If you want to add a little easy detail, the cockpit and the speed brakes are simple and quick and will dress the kit up. If you want to blow it out, all five sets will give you a wide-open Demon with tons of detail. As with all Aires sets, their resin casting is first rate! Now go forth and detail! My thanks go to Aires for the review samples and to IPMS/USA for the opportunity to review them.
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