City Building

Published on
February 3, 2020
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Product / Stock #
Company: MiniArt - Website: Visit Site
Provided by: MRC - Website: Visit Site
Box Art

MiniArt is probably better known for their 1/35th scale building and diorama sets but they also have a growing number of building kits in 1/72nd scale.

One nice thing about their 72nd scale kits is they depict buildings without any battle damage so are great for not only military dioramas but civilian ones as well.

Another main difference between their 35th scale and 72nd scale kits is the smaller scale includes all injection molded parts making them a bit easier for your average modeler to get a quality finished product.

So, the City Building depicts a building that would fit into most European cities and would look particularly good in a World War II up through a modern day diorama. The kit comes with 183 parts molded in 6 colors of which 166 are used in this build. The multiple colors mean you can finish this kit without paint and still get a great looking model but painting and weathering this kit will give you lots more hours of enjoyment. I picked up some artists pencils to try my hand at weathering the brick details to really bring it out.

There is no interior detail to the kit but the exterior has everything you need except glass for the windows. I particularly like the drain spout details and the railing for the balcony.

One other neat aspect of this kit is that many of the pieces are interchangeable with their other 72nd scale buildings. You could easily make this a 3 story building or even a single story without too much effort.

The price is a bit high but I have noticed that with many 72nd scale building kits and the details on this one make it worth it in my opinion.

I would like to thank MRC Academy, Miniart and IPMS/USA for providing me with the kit.


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