Cave Bear
Well, I never thought I would build, let alone review an Atlantis kit. But you know what, it is a fun little build.I even engaged my wife into providing feedback as to what colors cave bears really are, or were. We recalled our trip to the Lascaux caves as a result. These caves and the cave bear go back to the same time. What prompted the build, is the Coastal Carolina modelers in house contest next year of any Atlantis kits. So, seeing it was available, I opted to review it.
The kit was originally released in 1972 under the Aurora brand. The kit can be snapped together in a few minutes, painted, and ready to go in about a day. There are only 30 parts and they snap together well. This is an ideal kit for younger modelers and is a good kit to get them started into a lifelong hobby. Also available is a Sabre Tooth Tiger in the prehistoric scenes collection. Both kits can be put together to make your very own prehistoric diorama.
You can opt to glue it together the way all proper models are supposed to be assembled. With glue, and lots of Mr. Surfacer. Assembling the kit is straightforward, and the instructions are very easy to follow. In order to get a tighter fit, I removed the male part of the join plugs. That helped a little, but to be honest, this kit does have gaps. I used Mr. Surfacer 500 in an attempt to fill them and also blend them in with the molded in bear hair. Once assembled, I used Vallejo and Tamiya paints (browns, buff, and sky grey) to color the bear. For the cave, I closed up the earthquake sized gap with dirt and gravel from my back yard, using PVC (canopy) glue as an adhesive. I painted a base coat of Tamiya ocean grey and desert yellow. Once these paints were dry, I used oils as a wash for the bear. For the cave, I also used oils to vary the tones on the cave wall rocks. The end result looks like a plastic rock painted to look like real rocks. It’s a fun little build.
My thanks to Atlantis for the opportunity to review this fun kit!

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