Bristol Blenheim MK. 1 Interior Photoetch
This is an excellently done photo etch set for the cockpit interior of the new Airfix Bristol Blenheim Mk. 1 kit. Although appearing to by small, the sheet provides just about everything you could want in the interior of the Blenheim, and since the glass canopy of the kit is very nicely done, any interior detail will be plainly visible. Some parts, such as the control wheel, some of the engine and flap controls, and some sidewall panel detail should be removed and replaced with the PE parts. Other parts can be added to existing structure, such as instrument panels, seat belts, etc. There are a few parts to be added to the rear turret, and one rather large piece of metal is to be placed on the right cockpit sidewall, and although there are no instructions as to color, it probably should be painted interior green.
The instructions are quite clear in all respects, and the only problem is the one associated with all 1/72 scale models when you are super detailing them. Some of the parts are EXTREMELY tiny, and one false move and the part will fly off of your workbench, only to be found by archeologists in the 27th Century. So be very careful in separating the parts from the sheet. I use an Xacto knife for basic removal, and sometimes use very sharp scissors to trim them. It is very exacting work, but the results are well worth it. This set is definitely worth getting. Highly recommended.

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