Brian R. Baker
Reviews By Author
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Mitsubishi Babs: The World’s First High Speed Strategic Reconnaissance Aircraft, Volume 2Published:
IntroductionThis book is the second volume on the history and development of the Mitsubishi Ki-15/C5M high speed reconnaissance aircraft, which was used by the Japanese Army and Navy in numerous roles before and during the course of World War II. Volume 1, which has already appeared in review on this site, provides an excellent account of the aircraft’s development and service during the war, and the second volume goes into incredible detail on various aspects of this aircraft’s career. The book provides information useful to the historian and modeler, and is profusely illustrated with very impressive drawings and photos of the aircraft in detail. While I have only seen a copy of the IPMS review by Frank Landrus, which appeared in 2022 on this site, I have not… more |
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Bell Airacobra P-400Published:
HistoryThe Bell P-400 was a development of the Bell Model 14 P-39 Airacobra series, which originated in the late thirties. It was an unusual design in that it featured an engine mounted behind the pilot, and a cannon firing through the propeller shaft.It also was equipped with a tricycle landing gear. It was designed for high performance, and the U.S.Army ordered quite a few before the beginning of World War II. As later fighters appeared, it fell behind in performance, and a number were ordered by the British, designated P-400. The Army’s series ran from P-39B through P-39Q, and production ceased in 1944 in favor of such types as the P-47 and P-51. Many were used by the Army, while about half of them were exported to the Soviet Union, where they were used successfully… more |
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In The Skies Of China, Composite Kit: Ki-21 and Ki-27Published:
HistoryOver the years, much interest has been generated in the conflict between the Japanese, Chinese, and Russians begun by Japanese aggression in the area of northeastern China. By 1939, Japanese and Chinese air forces were actively engaged in a struggle for aerial superiority. While the Chinese had no aircraft industry to speak of, the Japanese were producing airplanes that compared favorably with those of the Americans and Europeans. The Japanese Army, for example, were producing airplanes which were extremely maneuverable, mainly because they were lightly constructed, had minimal armament, and had no armor protection. An example of this design philosophy was the Nakajima Ki-27, code named “Nate” by the Allies, which had a 780 HP Nakajima He-1b radial engine, and two… more |
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Eagles of the Luftwaffe, Vol.2, Focke-Wulf Fw-200Published:
Historical BackgroundWorld War II is probably the most covered subject of publishers of material intended for modelers and historians, and this book fills a gap that has been left unfilled for a long time. Most publications seem to be of purely military aircraft, but this one is unusual in that it provides the development and combat history of an airplane that was originally designed as a long range airliner, but was later converted to various military roles, including reconnaissance, bombing, torpedo attacks, and military transport roles. Developed during the middle thirties, and FW-200 was originally intended to modernize the Lufthansa fleet, mainly increasing their aircraft’s speed and range, and allowing them to replace the obsolete flying boats that were being… more |
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Biplanes of the 1930s and 1940s (Не-51A-1, Ki-10-II, U-2/Po-2VS)Published:
Brief Description of ProductThis kit includes three quite well done 1/72 scale kits of three biplanes which were historically very important during the nineteen-thirties. Each kit includes an extensive instruction sheet, several color and marking choices, and adequate decals. The aircraft included are (1) Japanese Army Kawasaki Ki-10 Biplane Fighter, code named Perry by the Allies; (2) German Luftwaffe Heinkel HE-51A Fighter Biplane, used before the outbreak of World War II, and especially in the Civil War in Spain, and (3) the Polikarpov PO-2/U-2 Training Biplane, produced in enormous numbers in the Soviet Union up to the end of World War II, and which was used for pilot training and various combat roles, some involving the use of women pilots in combat. Kawasaki… more |
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Focke Wulf FW-190 Vacuformed CanopiesPublished:
This product consists of two vacuformed canopies for FW-190 and TA-152 kits in 1l/72 scale. One canopy is the early flat variety, while the other is the “blown hood” type. The instructions state that they can be used for the Airfix, Frog, and Revell kits, but given the fact that there are numerous kits of FW-190 variants in 1/72 scale, these canopies should be useable for almost any of the available kits, although my experience shows that many of the available FW0-190 kits have totally accurate canopies, and do not require replacements. One use might be to use this type of canopy to display an open canopy to show cockpit detail, as they are very clearly molded. Order several of these from Squadron and you’ll have one when you need it. Highly recommended. Thanks to Phil Peterson… more |
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Photo Etched Metal Details for He-162Published:
Historical BackgroundAlthough the Heinkel HE-162A was manufactured in quantity for the Luftwaffe at the end of World War II, no HE-162A ever was credited with the destruction of an enemy aircraft due to its late arrival into the Luftwaffe inventory. The story of the He-162 has been published many times, and there are quite a few good accounts of its design and development. Designed to be a high performance jet fighter that was easy to produce, it was planned to use pilots with minimal training introduced into combat. Although the Luftwaffe ordered thousands of these fighters into production, only 116 pre-production and early production aircraft were actually delivered when the war ended, although large numbers had reached an advanced stage of production. The idea was… more |
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Air Power and the ARAB WORLD, 1909-1955. Volume 8, The Revival in Egypt and Iraq, 1943-1945Published:
Historical BackgroundThis book is a part of a series of detailed historical studies of the development of military aviation in the Arab World starting with the era of European colonization in the Middle Thirties, the events leading up to the outbreak of World War II, the conflict itself, and the decline of colonization after the end of the war. The major colonial power was, of course, Great Britain, with France, Spain, and Italy playing minor roles in the story. Of course, Germany attempted to establish control in North Africa during this period, but they, along with the Italians, were removed by the end of World War II. One other factor that many people are unaware of is the presence of small groups of various European nationalities living in Arabic countries, although… more |
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Air Power and The Arab World, 1909-1955. Volume 7: The Arab Air Forces in Crisis, April 1941-December 1942Published:
Historical BackgroundThis book is part of a series of detailed accounts of the developments of Arab air forces in the Middle East, concentrating mainly on the World War II era. One of the authors was a postwar pilot in the Egyptian Air Force, and the other was a PhD in Middle East History. The authors have divided the book into four major sections, the Anglo-Iraq War (May, 1941), Rebuilding the Royal Iraqi Air Force (1941-1942), the Development of the Royal Egyptian Air Force (1941-1945), and Local Involvement in Air Operations in Other Arab Lands, (1941-1942. One interesting feature of this book is the detailed treatment of specific events, as recorded in orders, logbooks, and other accounts of the events. Not commonly known is the fact that during this time period… more |
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Henschel Hs-126: Camera On #30Published:
Historical BackgroundThe Henschel HS-126 was a parasol wing single engine army cooperation aircraft developed for the Luftwaffe early in 1937. At the beginning, problems were experienced with the engines, and some changes had to be made, but the first production model, HS-126A-1 came into service in 1938. Soon, an upgraded model, the HS-126B-1 came into use, and that became the standard production model. A tropicalized version, HS-126B-1 Trop. , appeared in 1940, and an export model, Hs 126K-6 was sold to Greece early in the war. The type suffered badly during the Battle of France in 1940 resulted in the end of mass production, and the type was replaced by the twin engine Focke Wulf FW-189. The type continued in use for several years thereafter. Book… more |