Bf-109F-4/Trop Part 2
Eagle Editions is synonymous with Luftwaffe research designed for the model builder. Their latest release is for any 1/32nd scale Friedrich. As always with EagleCals, the quality is felt right from opening up the packaging.
You are presented with markings for four Freidrichs. These are quite colorful aircraft. All of them start out with base colors of RLM 78/79, but that is where they commonality ends.
The instructions are printed in color on four 8x10 pages. The front page contains the profile and plan views. The profile views are printed larger on the second page. These profiles are absolutely beautiful. I don’t know for sure but I’m fairly certain they are done by Tom Tullis. The third page is a written description of each aircraft. The fourth page contains the stencil diagram.
The decals are printed by Cartograf so you know they are the best quality in the world. You get two sheets, one with stencils and common markings. The other contains the individual aircraft markings. Interestingly, you get plenty of swastikas on both sheets. The decals have good color registration and are perfectly in register. The decals are really thin, and typical quality Cartograf quality.
The first aircraft belongs to 8./JG27, “Red 2”. This aircraft is oversprayed with RLM 80. The uniqueness of the overspray will certainly make these markings stand out. The wings are marked with spots of RLM 80 which is more reminiscence of JG-27s Emils. This, with the red markings and the white fuselage band and yellow lower cowling, makes a beautiful looking airplane.
The next one is a perennial favorite, Obfw. Eberhard von Boremski’s “Yellow 4” “Maxi” from 9./JG3. The instructions state the aircraft belongs to JG-27 but that is a typo. The RLM 78/79 is oversprayed with large patches of RLM 75 and RLM 70 creating a really unique looking aircraft. This is my favorite on the sheet.
The next aircraft belongs to Hans-Joachim Marseille. His “Yellow 14”, in this case W.Nr. 8673, was the last aircraft that he flew. This one has the entire fuselage side painted in a splotchy RLM 79. The markings are included in the Hasegawa kit, however, these decals are far thinner and more precisely printed. Definitely an upgrade to the kit decals.
The fourth set of decals is for Major Erich Gerlitz’s JG-53 machine painted in RLM 78/79. This is a typical F-4/Trop, but like Marseille aircraft, this aircraft has its entire side painted RLM 79, not the typical half 78/half 79. This is a rather bland looking aircraft in comparison to the others on the sheet but there are some really nice photos of this machine in flight.
Another great project from Eagle Editions. Cartograf printed decals and Tom Tullis artwork. The decals are thin, in register, and with good color saturation. They also react extremely well with every setting solution I’ve ever used. The excellent instructions, stenciling diagram and full color profiles are typical of the quality of EagleCals.
EagleCals also has another new sheet EC#130 which includes four more Tropical Freidrichs. These two sheets are also available in 1/48th scale.Highly recommended
Thanks to Eagle Editions and IPMS/USA for the review copies. Remember when you order let them know you heard about them from IPMS/USA.

Reviewer Bio
Floyd S. Werner Jr.
Building models since the age of 7, I’ve become known for my Bf-109s and helicopters. I currently run Werner’s Wings. I was previously the ‘star’ of the Master Class Model Building Video series. I’ve been published numerous times on various website, including Hyperscale and ARC. My work has been in FSM and Great Scale Modeling 2001, as well as, numerous other model magazines. I’m a published author with my Squadron/Signal Walkaround book on the Kiowa Warrior. My models have continuously won many regional and national awards. My unique model photography gives my models instant recognition for their historical perspective.
I’m a retired from the Army after 21 years of flying Cobras and Kiowa Warriors, including tours in Iraq, Bosnia, Korea, and Germany. I’m also a retired Flight Officer for the Baltimore City Police and flew their helicopters chasing bad guys. I’m currently flying Cobras and Hueys with the Army Aviation Heritage Foundation.
I’ve been married to my high school sweetheart, Yvonne, for 42 years. Our daughters have blessed us with six grandchildren. My passions continue to be his family, friends, helicopters, models and airplanes, especially the Bf-109 and my beloved AH-1 Cobra. My motto has always been - MODELING IS FUN!
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