Yak-38 Forger Air Intakes

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Product / Stock #
QB 48426
Base Kit
HobbyBoss 1/48 Yak-38 Forger
Company: Quickboost - Website: Visit Site
Provided by: Quickboost - Website: Visit Site

The Yak-38 Forger was the Soviet Union’s equivalent to the Harrier. Built to operate from the KIEV Class Aircraft-Carrying Cruiser, the Forger provided limited air defense and anti-surface ship capability. The Forger relied on the main engine to provide the forward thrust and the lift capability for the rear fuselage. Unlike the Harrier, it had two dedicated lift engines behind the pilot to assist with VTOL. Like the Harrier, the Forger had spring-loaded blow-in doors in the intakes to provide more air during takeoff and landings. And, like the Harriers, when the Forger was shut down, these doors could often be found in the open position. I have provided an image from a Soviet State Publication on the Navy of the period that shows the open intakes to good effect. Unfortunately, the Hobby Boss kit provides intakes with the doors closed. You could open these doors and make replacements from styrene strip. Quickboost, however, has done this for you with this set.

The Quickboost intakes are essentially kit parts with new blow-in doors in the open position. As you might have observed, my review sample had two left intakes, so I was unable to judge the quality and fit of the starboard side intake. Surprisingly, these parts, while perfectly adequate, are not up to the same standard as other Quickboost details. The doors look a little rough on the inside and around the edges. Regardless, the intakes are designed to be a drop-in replacement. As evident by the photo, the fit is close and a few swipes of a sanding stick will make the joint tight. Unfortunately, this set does not fix the blanked off intake of the kit.

While I would like to see these parts a little cleaner, they are much more interesting than the kit parts and will give your aircraft some additional visual interest. For only $6 they will save you a lot of trouble opening 10 blow-in doors. Recommended.

My thanks go to Quickboost for providing the sample and to IPMS/USA for the opportunity to review it.

Parts Packaging


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