US Navy Tomcats Detail and Scale Color and Markings
Thank you Furball Aero-Design for sending these excellent decals for review, and thank you to the IPMS Reviewer Corps for letting me review them! I am very appreciative of the chance to contribute back to the scale-modeling community.
The one word that captures this decal set is “stunning.” Furball in collaboration with Detail & Scale (D&S) has produced a treatment of F-14A markings that spans twelve years of historical and colorful aircraft from 1981 through 1993. Tomcats from VF-32, aboard the USS John F. Kennedy and the USS Independence, and VF-41, aboard the USS Nimitz and the USS Theodore Roosevelt, are very well represented in CAG and low-visibility colors. All of the F-14s that participated in the 1981 Gulf of Sidra events by shooting down Libyan jets may be modeled with these decals. Five full-color, double-sided decal placement guides are filled with all kinds of FS paint callouts, bonus information and unique aircraft facts, including color profiles and an excellent stencil placement guide. Furthermore, special thanks are given to several very famous, well-known researchers and USN aviation experts, adding significant credibility to the accuracy of the decal set. The entire decal set is supported by a recently released D&S publication, Digital C&M Volume 1, Color & Markings of U. S. Navy F-14 Tomcats, Part 1: Atlantic Coast Squadrons.
The decals in the set are on three sheets, a large 8.75 x 11.25 inch main markings sheet, and smaller 8.6 x 2.8 inch and 4.0 by 4.35 inch inserts with numbers, names, and walkways. The smallest sheet with walkways is available separately (product code 48-050). There is virtually no extra carrier film visible. The decal opacity is very good. Lettering is exceptionally crisp everywhere. The formation lights seem to have just the right amount of fluorescent “glow.” Narrow black outlines representing the leading-edge, wing-root glove vanes, and bare-metal panel and stripe decals are elegant solutions to some tricky detailing. I did a quick estimate of how many F-14s could be done with this decal set and I believe you could do at least 7 kits completely.
I highly recommend these decals. The integration of excellent decals with specific aircraft backed up by great D&S research truly enhances the whole build experience. The numbers of possible Tomcat builds make this set a great value. Now the only minor problem is that I only have 2 F-14 kits!
Thank you again to Furball Aero-Design for providing the decal set to review, and to the IPMS Reviewer Corps for letting me review them, it is a much appreciated privilege.
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