US Military Pilot

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Company: PJ Production
Provided by: PJ Production

Many of the US fighter pilot figures are depicting older style safety equipment like helmets and oxygen masks. PJ production released a nice version of current military “fast jet” pilot with a Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System (JHMCS) and Gentex MBU-20 oxygen mask.

The product contains a single pilot figure and is marketed to work with F-16 or F-18 aircraft but after test fitting, it can be used in the F-15 as well. As with most figures, there may be places that need to be altered. When test fitting, the legs would need to be separated slightly to fit around center instrument panel and knees bent to rest on the rudder pedals. Some seats may also require the torso to be adjusted to fit the seat but nothing to great, just small adjustments. With all the variations of kits out there, nothing is simply drop in fit.

Casting is nice and crisp with a lower bode and upper body. Three different arm configurations are available with two “right” arm choices (center stick or side control stick) and one left arm choice.

Note on use of JHMCS, typically it is only the pilot that will wear this device however some of the two seat aircraft with Weapons systems officers (WSO) are appearing. The F/A-18 is incorporating a back seat JHMCS while the F-15E does not however the F-15SA (latest F-15E for Saudi Arabia) will have a back seat JHMCS capability. As normal, check your references.

This looks like a great product and will give you late generation 4 and generation 5 fast jets a correctly equipped pilot. Many thanks to PJ Productions for the Figure and to IPMS USA for the chance to review.

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