Operativo Indepndencia, Volume 1 - Armed Insurgency in Argentina 1955-1974
Volume 1 of Operativo Independencia (Operation Independence) covers the period from 1955 to 1974 in Argentina which was a period of political upheaval and change. This volume considers both the insurgencies and government responses. This is the precursor to the “Dirty War” which will hopefully be covered in Volume 2 or more.
The Table of Contents is small:
- Abbreviations
- Acknowledgments
- Introduction
- Subversive Groups in Argentina, 1955-1974
- Campora, Lastiri, Peron & Peron, 1955-1974
- The Argentine Armed Forces in the mid-1970’s
- The ERP and the Montoneros organizations
- Epilogue
- Appendices
The book is a history of the rise of Marxist groups from their beginnings in the 1950’s, the influence by Cuba, and their reign of chaos. Also detailed is the response of the well equipped and trained Argentine Armed Forces.
I will say, this is not an easy read as so many history or modeling books as there are assassinations and murders of many people including children. None of the photos are graphic but this is the history of terrorism in Argentina and the government’s response. Interwoven with this is the Nazis who fled to Argentina after WWII and their influence and on the groups at that time including the use of the German salute and use of swastikas.
A lot of the terrorists’ acts were bombings and this covered well in the pages. It shows similarity to the terrorist acts of current times. The text and pictures go into the infiltration of the unions, military and government. The history culminates with the Peron presidency. A long bloody 20 plus years.
For the modeler in all of us, there are some excellent examples to be had of aircraft, including the Argentine civilian airliners from DC-4’s to BAC 111. Military aircraft are well covered with great profiles of everything from the F-86F Sabre, C-130H, Canberra’s and Meteors. These are done in color profile and pictures in many cases. The chapter on the Argentine armed forces is especially good with pictures and charts of each brigade and their type of aircraft. The Navy, Coast Guard and Army receive similar coverage and there are pictures. The army sections shows and spotter planes and trucks and jeeps. Helicopters are also covered.
In summary, this book looks at a difficult time in Argentine history citing many details, and for the modeler, also includes specific aircraft, ships and vehicles pertinent to the time with excellent pictures and profiles. Recommended.
My Thanks to Helion, Casemate and IPMS/USA for the opportunity to review this book.

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