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A.Mig 3500 - 3539
Company: AMMO by Mig Jimenez - Website: Visit Site
Provided by: AMMO by Mig Jimenez - Website: Visit Site

Ammo by Mig Jimenez has developed a line of oil paints that are already thinned and come in a clear bottle with a brush attached to the cap. Here is their description for these oilbrusher:

“The new OILBRUSHER is the ultimate and revolutionary modeling product. OILBRUSHER contains high quality oil paint specifically formulated for modeling use, diluted to the perfect consistency to be applied straight from the jar. The cap has an exclusive built-in high-precision brush to apply the color directly onto your model, without having to put the oil paint on a palette or a piece of cardboard. This evolution prevents the oil from drying out and wasting product unnecessarily. Furthermore, the modern container includes a dispenser-cleaner system that removes the excess paint from the brush, leaving just the right amount in the tip. Traditional oil paint tubes were messy to use and difficult to open when the oil paint dries around the cap causing it to become stuck. This doesn´t happen with the OILBRUSHER, it is always clean and always stable. Besides all of these advantages, this revolutionary design also saves product and cost in the long run, particularly when considering OILBRUSHER is less expensive than traditional oil paints in the market.”

The oil paint comes in a clear bottle that has a no-spill plug in the end. The cap has a brush attached that has about a size 2/0 brush on the end. This really reminds me of my wife’s mascara bottles. The brush fits snuggly into the no-spill cap hole, so that kind of squeegees the oil paint off the handle while you remove it. The clear tube will show how much oil paint is left. There is no indication of the label about the size, but I am guessing it is about 10ml. For what I can find on their website, they now offer 40 different colors in this line. I got 16 to review. The bottle opens very easily, unlike regular oil paint in tubes. I have many tubes that the cap stuck, and I damaged the thin metal tubes with a pliers while trying to open. I think these Oilbrushers should be stored standing up, and shaken before use to get the oil paint and carrier mixed back together. I did not notice much separation in the last few weeks, but over time they might separate.

I did a dot filter on a SU-152 that I had never really weathered. I used these five colors: earth, weed green, white, dark brown, and buff. I usually must get a piece of cardboard, try to get the oil paint tubes open, put a smear of paint on the cardboard, then apply with a toothpick. I love how all I have to do with these Oilbrushers is just unscrew the cap, dot the paint on the model, then reseal the cap. This made dot filters so much easier, faster and much less messy. They dried a lot faster, maybe 10 to 15 minutes, then regular oil paints. I used one of Ammo’s new flat paint brushes to blend the paints together with some odorless thinner. I was very impressed with the way this oil paint mixes together and gives me a great faded look on the SU-152. I also used the two flesh colors on a 1/35 face. The Oilbrusher’s brush is smaller in the flesh lines, so I could use it to make highlights on these faces. The Oilbrusher base coat paint did take two days to dry on the face since I put it on kind of thick.

Overall, I really like how this product works in the weathering process. It makes filtering so much faster and easier. Even though the bottles are smaller than regular oil paints, I think I will be using less since I will not be tearing up the tubes getting them open or wasting paint left on the cardboard.

I would like to thank Ammo by Mig Jimenez and IPMS for the chance to review this innovated new product.



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