Model Art Auto Modeling, #863, February 2013

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Softcover, 136 color and b&w pages, Japanese text with very few English subtitles
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Company: Model Art - Website: Visit Site
Provided by: Model Art - Website: Visit Site

Auto Modeling is a quarterly release from Model Art Magazine. The magazine is chock full of pictures of builds in progress, line drawings, and photos of the actual cars themselves.

This issue focuses on F1 series racing from the 60’s. Included are several articles written about the champion machines of this time period. Also included is what appears to be an article about the drivers from this time period. Unfortunately for most of us, the article is in Japanese.

Included is a new kit review article. These show the actual model under construction to completion. As with the rest of the issue, this is accompanied with a multitude of photos. In this issue, they cover one motorcycle, two cars, and some type of racing spaceship.

Even though the majority of the text is in Japanese, I think that fans of F1 racing would still enjoy looking through the pages at the wonderful models illustrating the articles.

I would like to thank Model Art for supplying the sample issue for review, and IPMS/USA for allowing me the opportunity to do it.



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