Military Miniatures in Review No.61

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Bi-monthly publication, 80 page, full color, perfect bound. Regular features include new product announcements, book reviews and figure reviews.
Company: Ampersand Publishing - Website: Visit Site
Provided by: Ampersand Publishing - Website: Visit Site

Military Miniatures in Review is an 80-page, full color, perfect bound, bimonthly magazine. Regular features include new product announcements, book reviews and figure reviews.

One of the first things that notice about this magazine is the construction. It has very thick front and back cover with the pages being bound together with glue. All of the photographs are in color and very sharp and clear. One note of interest is they way that the articles are written. They are written as if the person that is writing them is talking to you, some with a little tongue and cheek humor, a somewhat different approach from many of the magazines that I read.

This months issue of MMIR consists of nine articles, kit reviews, book reviews and figure reviews. The articles are as follows. "The M103, a Primer", this part one of two and features many black and white photos of the M103. Next is a comparison article of two AFV Club Bofors guns, one American and one British. Then comes an article about the Tamiya Gama-goat kit. This is a step by step build article on this kit. Ma.K'n it up as I go" is the next article. It is Wave's Ketzer kit which is a "Mech" kit. A little different from what you may consider your ordinary armor kit. Following that is the "Ha-Go-a-Go-Go". This is a nice build article covering the Dragon Type 95 Ha-Go tank. Moving to the next article titled "Thrilling Drilling". "Patton, Pathologically" is up next. This is the Dragon M48A3 that was built by the editor Pat Stansell. "Thrilling Drilling" covers the AFV Club's Sd. Kfz. 251/21 Ausf. D "Drilling". You then get to "Great Leapin' Leopard featuring Meng's Leopard 1 A3/A4. The last article of this issue is "Model Citizen". This is a step by step figure build of the Alpine Miniatures 29th Infantry Division BAR gunner.

Overall this is another great armor modeling magazine that is out there and I would recommend this magazine to fellow armor modelers.

I would like to thank the Ampersand Group and IPMS/USA for the opportunity to review this magazine.



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