Metal Landing Gear for Revell/Monogram F-104
Having a few of these kits on the shelf and recently reviewing the kits most recent release I thought I could provide a good perspective on this offering from SAC.
Scale Aircraft Conversions continues to release high quality aftermarket gear sets and this one is no exception. The 4 piece white metal kit is supplied in the standard blister pack and one can immediately see it is far superior to the kit supplied gear in detail. Upon removal, the gear is has some weight to it so it will be sturdy.
The kit supplied gear was adequate, but required considerable work as the halves are not properly aligned to one another. Additionally there are a number of sink holes and ejector pin marks that are quite time consuming to fix. The SAC gear kit is soooooooooo much better in quality and will require much less effort to present an accurate presentation.
My only regret is I did not have this set to complete my presentation of the F-104C a few months back. I would highly recommend this gear set for this kit.
I would like to thank Scale Aircraft Conversions for graciously donating this gear set to IPMS and affording me the opportunity to review on their behalf.

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