Messerschmitt Me 410 A-1
This book is a compilation of the 4-view colour profile, scale plans and photo details of the single variant of the Messerschmitt Me 410 A-1. Scale plans in 1/72 ( the Italeri kt is available) and 1/48 (Meng and Revell kits are available) scales plus drawings from wartime technical manuals. Also included are photos of the aircraft details in black and white and colour.
The first three pages are dedicated to 1/72 scale line drawings, including right and left sides, plus top and bottom views. These pages include wing details without airbrakes and the forward fuselage details of the BK-5 (50mm cannon) equipped Me 410 A-1/U4.
Next several pages including a foldout section for the 1/48 scale drawings. Excellant detail included therein. I especially appreciated the fact the illustrators included the antenna wires layout in the profiles.
Pages 6 and 7 show vintage black and white photos of the aircraft in flight and on the tarmac. The final image is of a Me 410 A-1 at the RAF Museum Cosford. These images are a bit grainy but useful.
Pages 8 through 16 include diagrams and images from the manufacturer. Page 9 has two close up views of the nose of a museum example of the Me 410 A-2/U2.
Pages 17 through 19 include color images of the cockpit (three views) plus close-up detail of the main landing gear and tail wheel. This material will be useful for the modeler.
Lastly, the remaining three pages include color images, right and left side and a top view of a single aircraft.
This is a simple reference publication offering the scale modeler some useful detail information. I have an unbuilt kit of the old 1/48 scale Revell-Monogram Messerschmitt Me 410B and compared the plastic parts to the line diagrams included in this publication. When laying the fuselage halves and wing top parts on the line drawings some size and shape differences become apparent. The diagrams include lines of rivets not included in the kit parts.
This publication will be useful in my eventual build of the Revell-Monogram kit. Recommended for the Luftwaffe enthusiast.
My thanks go out to MMP Books, Casemate Publications and to IPMS/USA for the opportunity to review this product.

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