Macchi C205 Veltro White Metal Landing Gear
Scale Aircraft Conversions has produced replacement gear for the Hasegawa/Italeri 1/48 scale Macchi C205 Veltro kits. The white metal replacements are a clean drop-in for the kit plastic parts. I have reviewed several of these replacement gear packages, and purchased many more on my own. I have always found them to be at least equal, and usually superior to the kit parts in detailing, with the added benefit of superior strength.
The supplied items in this issue include the two main gear strut and actuator assemblies, and two tail gear struts with the tail wheel molded in place (check your reference photos). Some other SAC packages include replacement main gear wheels, as well, but not the case here. You will need to use the kit wheels or other replacements for your build.
A side by side evaluation (see photos) indicates an identical replacement that will provide a greater strength assembly with a significantly improved weight capacity and abuse tolerance. To install the wheels in the strut housings, simply bend the u shaped part (gently) open far enough to accept the wheel, and then bend closed to capture the wheel hub openings.
The parts will take any brand modeling paint I have tried, after a soapy water wash and clear rinse, followed by a coat of Tamiya primer. In some cases, if your subject’s gear is natural metal, painting may not be necessary. As always, check your reference photos.
Highly recommended.
Thanks to the IPMS Reviewer Corps and Scale Aircraft Conversions for the opportunity to review this item.
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