Luftwaffe Fighter-bombers Over Britain The Tip and Run Campaign 1942-1943
The Following Text is a Historical Perspective from the Publisher.
As the Battle of Britain came to a close, the Luftwaffe began arming its single-engine fighters with bombs, using them in preference to twin-engine bombers against many daylight targets. Two units were designated for these Jagdbomber (literally fighter-bomber) attacks – 10/JG 26. Their targets included shipping and coastal installations, railways, gas holders and selected military and civilian objectives. The detrimental effect on British morale caused by these ‘Tip and Run’ attacks was devastating.
How could the British military combat the raids effectively? How could the local populations cope? Questions were asked in Parliament but no effective answer was supplied. The locals lived in fear of where and when the next attack would occur.
Luftwaffe Fighter-Bombers Over Britain analyses the campaign from March 1942-June 1943 using contemporary records and first-hand accounts from both the German and British sides. And it highlights, amongst others, unopposed attacks on London, Bexhill, Eastbourne, Hastings, Yeovil, Salisbury, the Isle of Wight, Great Yarmouth, Torquay and Bournemouth. Tactics are considered from both attacker and defender viewpoints, their successes and their failures.
My Perspective About This Book
The book is a fast paced, exciting read with detailed research. It's highly informative and covers a fascinating, obscure aspect of the air war. The author Chris Goss provides a unique narrative threading first hand eyewitness accounts into the storyline and like a master brings the reader into a large circle of players. A complete compilation is presented and no one is left out. Almost anyone you could imagine chimes in with a quote. You’ll hear echos from the flyers on both sides and from the machines they flew. You’ll also hear the victims and first responders tell of the horrors inflicted by the Luftwaffe Fighter-Bombers raids.
The photos are a treasure as almost 300 of them have never before been published. The book itself is clearly printed on high quality paper. In addition to the great photographs it features detailed map drawings. I recommend this book to anyone.
Thanks to IPMS, Specialty Press and Crecy Publishing for allowing me to present this great book.

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