LRF 4 Rocket Launchers with Pylons
PJ Productions is a Belgian firm that specializes in the creation and production of resin scale models and accessories aimed at modelers of military aircraft kits and aviation-related dioramas in 1/72nd, 1/48th and 1/32nd scale. Their lines include fine and accurately detailed cast resin replacement and supplemental parts for model kits in the most commonly produced scales.
PJ Productions has produced a resin set of two (2) LRF 4 rocket launchers for use with aircraft armed with such types. An out-of-box evaluation (see photos) indicates two reproductions of the French-manufactured weapons and options for either CES 3 or ADP 2 pylons that provide a realistic scale-detailed assembly for mounting to your kit. The panel detailing is extremely fine, with fore and end caps cast separately.
Assembly is straight-forward. Use your favorite razor saw to remove the parts from the casting blocks, clean up the saw cuts, and provide a little clean-up with a few quick swipes of fine sandpaper or a sanding stick. My sample had some tiny air bubbles in the surface, most of which disappeared under a coat of Tamiya surface/primer. Painting of the assembly will be necessary, so check your references, and be sure to prime with the appropriate materials that are compatible with your preferred paints.
Some cautionary advice: for those without basic modeling experience, use very thin CA (Superglue) sparingly, to assemble and attach these resin parts to your plastic kit, as the usual plastic glues do not react with the cured resins.
In conclusion, this is an excellent set that will lend increased realism to your 1/48 Heller or other Mirage III kit that does not offer a stores option.
Highly recommended.
Thanks to the IPMS Reviewer Corps and PJ Productions for the opportunity to review this item.

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