Ju-87 Stuka Landing Gear
The Parts:
This product contains 8 white metal parts that replace kit parts L18 and L21 (tail gear components) and L9/L10 + L11/L12 + L5/L6 + L23/L24 (main gear components). All parts are used and completely replace the kit parts.
Assembly using the SAC white metal parts is straightforward and simpler than the parts they replace, mainly since the main struts are single piece affairs, unlike the kit parts (see photograph comparing the two).
While the Trumpeter kit provides nicely detailed landing gear, they will not have the strength inherent in Scale Aircraft Conversion’s sturdy, white metal replacements, and this aircraft is big and heavy. I’ve used SAC parts before and they take paint and adhesive perfectly and look great. Even though the main gear on the Stuka will normally be covered up by the ubiquitous wheel pants, the tail gear remains prominent. My Ju-87B-2 build is on my short list and I am looking forward to using these replacements. I highly recommend this SAC product, especially if you will be doing a big Stuka without the main gear pants.
I would like to thank SAC for supplying the parts for review and to IPMS for giving me the opportunity to review them.

Reviewer Bio
Eric Christianson
Eric Christianson is a father to two boys (Reed and Dean), the President of the Seattle Chapter of IPMS, and a long-time Little League umpire. He is also a devoted husband and companion to a wonderful woman named Jackie who enthusiastically supports his passions. Recently retired as a programmer, his home office has been scratch-built into ‘a perfect model room’. Modeling since he was a boy, Eric mostly builds armor these days, but still dabbles in 1/32nd aircraft and other types of models from time to time. He also enjoys presenting seminars on weathering and technique at local shows. Many of Eric’s kit reviews can be found on the IPMS USA website.
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