Israeli "Remove Before Flight" Flags in 1/32

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Company: Eduard - Website: Visit Site
Provided by: Eduard - Website: Visit Site

A while back, I purchased RBF (Remove Before Flight) flags for a Skyraider and they gave the aircraft that final detail which changed it from bland to grand. The RBF flags added a few more degrees of realism.

Now, Eduard has come out with these RBF Flags for aircraft modeled after Israeli units, such as the F-16. Included in this set are 18 red exterior flags, 14 yellow interior flags, and 4 placards for ejection seats, all in Israeli writing. These are also colored and printed on both sides which enable them to be “posed” in any position, such as twisting them to make them appear to be blowing in the wind or just falling naturally in the cockpit.

I highly recommend these RBF flags to anyone building an Israeli aircraft for that extra effect. As always, my thanks go out to Eduard for submitting this product for review.

Kitset Packaging


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