Flying Colors Of Richard J. Caruana - Bookazine Collection: 2
Pages: 60
This is another colourful book (in a larger series) by the well-known aviation artist Richard J Caruana, who was born and lives in Malta. The well-known author/illustrator has a 15-volume history of the Italian Air Force to his name, numerous books on model making and ospreys (among others), and has designed 89 stamps for the country of Malta. You will also find many of his drawings and profiles in many other publications dedicated to aviation. At Stratus Publishers (-MMP-Books) he created two series. The first, titled "Fighting Colours of Richard J. Caruana," dealt with fighter planes, and each volume was devoted to a specific period or theater of war.
The second series is titled "Flying Colours of Richard J. Caruana" and offers a selection of interesting aviation topics that the author would like to share with us as readers.
For me it is the first acquaintance with the "Flying Colours of Richard J. Caruana". The book is printed in the format A4 landscape/horizontal on quality glossy paper and is reminiscent of the Squadron Signal publications in terms of format. The language is English.
This Bookazine Collection: 2is richly packed with 48 pages of full-colour illustrations and the inside cover B&W drawings of the Hawker Hart and Hawker Siddeley Harrier in 1/72nd scale.
The full-colour profiles include: the Morane-Saulnier Type N, the U.S. Nieuport Ni 28, De Havilland D.H. 88 Comet, Hawker Hart, Messerschmitt Bf109D & E-3, Kawasaki Ki-61, Hawker Siddeley Kestrel FGA and AV-8A, and the AMX Ghibli and A-1 series. Each of the planes consists of a dozen colourful side silhouettes and, in some cases, drawings of top and bottom. Each of them has a brief description of the profile. Each chapter is preceded by a short introduction, illustrated with some photographs from the period.
The author divides the book into different historical periods and presents two types of aircraft of each. The period of the "Great War" is represented by two types of French aircraft. These are the Morane – Saulnier Type N and the Nieuport Ni.28 C1, the latter depicted in the U.S. Expeditionary Force livery.
The next chapter can safely be titled "These Beautiful Men in Their Flying Machines." We are talking about the interwar period, probably the most beautiful period in the history of aviation. This period is represented by the de Havilland DH 88 Comet racing aircraft, to which the author has devoted the shortest chapter of the entire book.
The same cannot be said about the next "hero", the Hawker Hart fighter. The author describes here, not only the aircraft that serve in the RAF in the so-called "silver wings", but also the aircraft that were used in the Swedish Air Force.
The period of the Second World War was dominated by two fighter planes. In terms of design, the aircraft are similar. A small chapter on the Swiss Bf-109E and an extensive study on its Japanese counterpart – the Kawasaki Ki-61 Hien. Here, the variety of impressive versions can give you a headache, and an accidental visit to a model shop can end with a completely unplanned purchase.
The post-war period, i.e., the era of the fighter jets, is fairly divided between the early versions of the Harrier, including aircraft used in the RAF as well as in the air forces of Thailand, Spain and the USA. The second aircraft presented here is the AMX-Ghibli, an aircraft that is as graceful and interesting in terms of the colour schemes presented as the Harrier. The author presents a total of a dozen side profiles of aircraft used by the Italian and Brazilian Air Forces.
Highly recommended for anyone who wants to enjoy the beautiful drawings of Richard Caruana, as well as for any modeler who wants to get ideas for the colours and camouflage patterns for his models to be built. You certainly won't be disappointed, even kit manufacturers can find inspiration for new and alternative decal sets.A wonderful book.
I am looking forward to seeing more (new) parts in the series.
Thanks to Mushroom Model Publication for making a copy of this book available for review.
Reviewer Bio
Fred Bachofner
Fred Bachofner (ModelFan)
About 55 years ago I was grabbed by model making. At that time, you could buy the Airfix bags with models with matching Humbrol pots of paint at General stores in the toy department. My first model was an Airfix Messerschmitt Me-109 Bf. My father allowed me to buy some jars of Humbrol paint. I have no idea what colours I bought based on the drawing on the bag.
This was the beginning of my modelling activities, which became more meaningful with the establishment of IPMS Netherlands in 1971. Aviation was my main interest at that time and of course you also started spotting. This brought me to many countries and eventually as a freelance defence journalist for The Shepard Press Ltd. (Defence Helicopter World, Helicopter World and Commuter World), Janes (Janes International Defence Review) in England and in the Netherlands for Thijs Postma (aviation and aviation World). I have been editor- in-chief of the IPMS Netherlands for over 7 years. Of course, with building models on the side. The freelance work involved quite a bit of traveling and flying and with regard to that flying not always on a commercial basis. The responsibility for my family (flying with and with air forces was almost always uninsured) led me to quit. I shifted my interest to the computer world, realizing that that was where the modelling hobby would end up.
In the end, blood is thicker than water and I started to pick up the modelling hobby again. From the only available jars of Humbrol enamel now to acrylic paints and the just as many new brands. New techniques, after-market products and of course the incredibly beautiful models made possible by constantly improving techniques.
I build to build and learn and improve myself. I will never build winning competition models. That's not my intention. You have to have fun modelling yourself and then it's fine. I'm never satisfied, but I certainly have fun, and I enjoy learning and improving just as much.
I am married to my darling wife for 43 years and my two boys and daughter until now blessed me with 3 grandchildren. Hobby is modelling inclusive railroad modelling. To invite more people to modelling I operate my website here in The Netherlands. Would be great if you would visit me and like the Facebook page for more reviews and articles and all the modelling news you need.
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