First Aid Basic Washes

Published on
November 18, 2019
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Company: AMMO by Mig Jimenez - Website: Visit Site

For a good long while, Mig Jimenez has been designing and producing products that make modelers lives so very much easier. In the case of this set of washes, AMMO has packaged up a “basic” set that includes an assortment of colors that would fit the bill for anyone trying to create a foundation for weathering their model of any sort. This set provides the easiest solution to the novice modeler who is just starting in the hobby and does not really know what is needed, and adds another tool to the toolbox for the intermediate or advanced modeler.

The set includes the following five washes:

  • A.MIG-1008 DARK WASH

This universal assortment of shades allows for the weathering of practically any genre of model- from dark and streaking washes to rust shades. The package is a convenient solution that provides the user with everything they need to weather any part of the model- from tracks to exhausts to engine to the weathering of the vehicle as a whole.

One can easily get lost in the vast assortment of products and shades offered from the AMMO website, but this gives one a good selection to start with to get a better idea of what one might use. The washes are very easy to use and clean up quite nicely with white spirits or my go-to- Turpenoid. Each bottle contains 35mL of product and should provide enough to complete many models (depending on the size and your amount applied). There are labels on the bottle and on the top of the cap that tell you which shade you’re dealing with. If you are having issues, a quick Google search provides you with links to videos where usually Mig himself is using the products.

I have included images of me using the Dark Wash and Streaking Grime on the engine compartment and hull sides of the Airfix Tiger I. I heartily recommend these washes no matter what your skill level or genre of modeling. These could be applied just as easily to an X-Wing, M4 Sherman, F-86 Sabre, or Ford Mustang and do the job effectively. I am grateful to AMMO by Mig Jimenez and IPMS-USA for these review samples.


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