F-4J/S Phantom Exhaust Mask
Company Background
New Ware is a company in the Czech Republic that is well known to spacecraft modelers. They were new to me. I looked into their website and the text is a mix of English and Czech, and it is noted that Russian, German and Italian are also spoken. They offer kabuki-type masks for many of the popular scales from 1/24 down to the diminutive 1/144, plus eggplanes.
Their on-line catalog is broken down by scale, with a further breakdown for model kit manufacturer. Each mask description for the kit noted with detail the contents such as all clear parts, interior (when offered), other clear parts and wheels.
Contents Description
The Zoukei Mura F-4J/S Phantom kit exhausts are fairly well detailed with the exterior surfaces molded with raised and recessed segments. Review of online images of real Phantom exhausts show a variation in metallic colors found on the nozzles. For those modelers wanting to depict a realistic, multi-color metallic appearance a lot of masking, or careful hand-painting will be required. The New Ware set 0333 offers a time-saving option that is more accurate than hand painting or hand-cut masks.
The review set includes spare masks noted as "white masks", and each individual mask is numbered with placement drawing included. The instructions note that placing the masks wet on wet surfaces is recommended except where noted.
If you want to build and paint your model aircraft exhausts with nice and clean demarcation between the petals, the use of die-cut masks made for a specific model is highly recommended. New Ware offers a line of masks for several scales at a competitive cost. I highly recommend this product line to achieve that goal.
I certainly recommend this set of masks for the fans of the F-4 phantom who wish to add realism to the exhaust nozzles on their models. I wish to thank New Ware and IPMS USA for the opportunity to review this product.

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