F-16 Air Brakes

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Base Kit
Tamiya F-16CJ Block 50
Company: Eduard - Website: Visit Site
Provided by: Eduard - Website: Visit Site

The set consists of two finely cast reproductions of the F-16’s speed brakes in the extended position. Installation of the speed brakes is very straight forward once they are removed from their respective casting blocks. I labeled the gluing edge of mine with a ‘L’ and a ‘R’ as they are not interchangeable. To install each one, you will need to cut off the molded speed brakes once the fuselage halves are together. As the actuator housing for each speed brake is on the bottom of the aircraft, I removed the kit part from the bottom up by cutting at the seam on the actuator housing. As a result the top is cut off just forward of the top hinge, which is good as it gives you some space to blend in the new piece without interfering with the top hinge.

While most pictures show the speed brakes fully retracted when the jet is parked, the set looks great and will help your F-16 stand out from the crowd.

Highly recommended.

Thank you to Eduard for the review sample and to IPMS-USA for letting me review it.

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