F-22 Raptor Exhaust Nozzles

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Base Kit
Academy 1/72 F-22 Raptor
Company: Aires Hobby Models - Website: Visit Site
Provided by: Aires Hobby Models - Website: Visit Site

Aires specializes in creating replacement parts for kit items that are either lacking in detail or have detail that isn’t quite sharp enough. This set provides replacement parts for the exhaust nozzles for the Academy kit of the F-22 Raptor.

The set is cast in medium grey resin, with no pinholes or miscast parts, along with a nice photoetch sheet for fine parts. The set includes the aft end of the turbine compressors and the afterburner section. The flame holders from the PE sheet are attached to the end of the compressor section, then the afterburner tube is added. The four long triangular pieces are the side pieces of the vectoring nozzles, and the smaller, wider, triangles are the vectoring parts of the nozzles. Each of them receives one of the four “batwing”-shaped pieces of PE, adding to the detail.

These parts will enhance any Academy F-22. One might possibly be tempted to try to make them fit either the Revell or the Fujimi F-22 kits (not at a loss there for choice, are we?), but it’s not necessary. Aires does sets specifically tailored to fit those kits already. Just buy the one for the kit you’re doing. And that’s my recommendation. Buy this set. It’s worth it for the difference it will make.

Thanks to Aires for the sample and thanks to IPMS/USA for the opportunity to review it.

Parts Packaging


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