Eurofighter Typhoon - Flying with Air Forces Around the World

Published on
October 9, 2020
Review Author(s)
Book Author(s)
Duke Hawkins
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softcover, 114 pages, 290 color photos
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Provided by: Casemate UK - Website: Visit Site
Eurofighter Typhoon – Flying with Air Forces Around the World

This is a new publication from Duke Hawkins Books and is the sixth volume of a series of books that they have recently published highlighting modern jets. This volume focuses on the Eurofighter/Typhoon.

When the book was published, the Eurofighter/Typhoon was operated by 7 countries – England, Germany, Italy, Spain, Austria, Saudi Arabia and Oman and the volume includes at least one photograph of a jet from each country. There is text scattered throughout the book, however, to be honest, most of it is expanded captions discussing the photographs that it accompanies.

The strength of this book are the stunning photographs in it. I counted 290 images. All the photographs are in full color and are beautifully reproduced. The photographs are from several photographers and include not only excellent air-to-air shots, but also quite a few photos of the aircraft on the ground. While the Eurofighter/Typhoon is almost always painted in grey, there are a few variations on this theme. There are also a lot of photographs showing the markings of individual aircraft and several eye-popping air-to-air shots of anniversary or Tiger Meet schemes.

For modelers, the bulk of the photographs are detail photographs of the aircraft and include not only the standard ones of the cockpit and landing gear, but also shots of things like the area under the canopy with once the canopy has been removed, the underside of the canopy and the inside of the engine bays when the engines have been removed. There are also several photos of the aircraft undergoing maintenance with panels removed showcasing the internal workings of the jet for those of you who cannot resist a bit of super detailing. There are also a couple of pages of a RAF Typhoon fresh out of maintenance, but before it was repainted, showcasing some of the different materials used in construction of the aircraft.

My only gripe with the book is that I would have liked a few more photographs illustrating the weapons carried by the Eurofighter/Typhoon as it has now been in service for around 20 years and has participated in a number of combat actions in recent years.

This is an outstanding book and a must for anyone itching to detail up a Eurofighter/Typhoon – highly recommended.

Thank you to HMH Publications for this excellent book and to Casemate Publishing for providing the review sample.


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