Cross & Cockade International Summer 2017 Volume 48/2
The latest journal of Cross & Cockade International - Summer 2017, features a photograph of a captured Albatros G’56 being run up. The inside and outside rear cover features seven color profiles by David Méchin of aircraft in the Early Aviation in the Rising Sun article by David Méchin. If you check out the web site link above, you can get additional sample pics of the current issue.
Cross & Cockade International is a non-profit UK based group known as the First World War Aviation Historical Society that publishes their journal four times a year for an annual subscription of $35.35. They also provide a free newsletter (sign up on their website) and occasionally publish WWI themed books like the Sopwith Dolphin monograph I reviewed earlier for IPMS USA. This Journal is the sister of the US Journal, Over The Front.
Paul Leaman kicks off with the second part of with a new series on Captured German Aircraft. This edition begins with the initial series of ‘G’ numbers that the British allocated to captured aircraft and starts with ‘G1’, an Albatros D.I that was captured November 16, 1916. There are notes on each ‘G’ number assignments along with photos and drawings to highlight camouflage and markings.
Mike Meech provides an interesting article on the British use of the Klaxon to communicate from aircraft to the ground via Morse Code. Originally invented by the American, Miller Reese Hutchison, the initial use was a warning device for use on motor cars. During World War One, the primary use was by aircraft in ‘Contact Patrols’ to identify where the enemy infantry was. Later on, the use of the Klaxon was expanded to include in-flight communication as well as ‘friend-foe’ identification.
Stewart K. Taylor provides a detailed military biography of 2Lts, Carleton A Crysler and Victor R Pauline, of 23 Squadron. The use of Victor Pauline’s diary entries, along with the diary entries of 2Lt Kenneth Douglas MacPherson and the well captioned photographs, tell a vivid story of the Squadron’s transition from SPAD XIIIs to Sopwith Dolphins. Mick Davis compiles a list of the 59 SPAD XIIIs that servied with the RFC/RAF with a listing of each code and a short description of each aircraft.
David Méchin brings an interesting article on Japanese aviation that I hope we get to see more on in the future. Part of this feature focuses on ten Japanese pilots who would earn their pilot’s licenses in France. These pilots would be instrumental in bringing the Japanese High Command to understanding the importance of the aeroplane in battle. Phil Wilkinson bolsters the foreign approach with an intriguing article on the RAF in Northern Russia after the Russian Revolution.
The standard feature, Logbook, provides eleven photographs of unit markings of 13 RS/TS (Reserve Aeroplane Squadron) along with a table listing the aircraft that made up 13RS/TS and their serial numbers. Joe Moran starts up with a new feature on modeling (since Albatros Publications is on hiatus) with a review of the Valom 1/144 Fokker Eindecker and other modeling news. Mick Davis is up next with Fabric, comprising of four letters and two photographs to the editor. The Bookshelf section is a review of WWI aviation specific books and magazines with this issue totaling sixteen.
- Editorial by Mick Davis
- Captured German Aircraft - Part 2: by Paul Leaman [Page 94]
- RFC & RAF Use of the Klaxon During World War One: by Mike Meech [Page 100]
- No Way Out: 2Lts Carleton A Crysler and Victor R Pauline, 23 Sqn: by Stewart K. Taylor [Page 117]
- The SPAD XIII with the RFC /RAF: compiled by Mick Davis [Page 123]
- Early Aviation in the Rising Sun: by David Méchin [Page 129]
- The RAF in North Russia 1918 - 1919: by Phil Wilkinson [Page 142]
- Logbook: 13 RS/TS Unit Markings: compiled by Mick Davis
- Modelling: New Releases and Kit Reviews: compiled by Joe Moran
- Fabric: Queries and Feedback compiled by Mick Davis
- Bookshelf
It’s another great issue from Cross & Cockade and I’m continued to be impressed with the quality. If you are into early/WWI aviation, this journal is an incredible source of information that will have you on the edge of your seat for the next issue. My thanks to Cross & Cockade International and IPMS/USA for the chance to review this great issue.
Highly recommended!

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