B-17G Flying Fortress Engines
The Quickboost line of after market parts just keeps growing and growing. This time they’ve done the Revell B-17G flying fortress engines. I was really excited when I saw that they were up for review because I had just purchased Revell’s new B-17G. Once the engines arrived I dove right in and started looking at the engine instructions and noticed that something just didn’t look right. I found out that the Quickboost parts are for the OLD Revell B-17G kit, not the new one. The engines in the new kit have been totally redone and have quite a few more steps to them than their older version. I went to Revells’ web site and checked the instruction sheet for the older version of this kit and also included the instructions for the newer kits engines. I didn’t have one of Revells’ older kits but I did have a Hasegawa B-17G in my stash. After studying the Revell and Hasegawa instructions I found that the Quickboost parts would also fit the Hasegawa version and look a whole lot better in the process.
The Quickboost engines are up to their usual standards; molded in a gray colored resin, smooth, seamless and bubble free. The detail is much better than the Hasegawa parts and will make the engine area pop out a lot more.
I highly recommend this product if you want a really superior looking model. Usually replacement parts need some work to get them installed properly but these engines won’t need a whole lot of work to get them into place. Thanks to Quickboost and IPMS USA for the chance to do this review.

hi there will these engines fit the 1/72 Academy kit also does anybody know as i am avout to start buying after market bits for it Many thanks Mel
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