Adam's Armour 2

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Review Author(s)
Book Author(s)
Adam Wilder
978-0-95554 13-9-1
Other Publication Information
Softcover, 232 pages, color images throughout, 8.27x11.69
Company: Casemate Publishers - Website: Visit Site
Provided by: Casemate Publishers - Website: Visit Site

Mr. Wilder provides a series of YouTube video’s displaying some of the same techniques that are in Adam’s Armour 1 and 2. Both books, however, contain far more information than the videos. YouTube Link

These two publications are now available through Casemate and AFV Modeller Publications. Adam Wilder, a talented and gifted modeler, as well as an excellent writer, has authored “Adam’s Armour 1” and “Adam’s Armour 2”. This review focuses on “Adam’s Armour 2”.

“1” focuses on the construction of the model while “2” covers painting and finishing.

Reviewing the Table of Contents is an appropriate and enlightening place to start. While ten chapters were sufficient for Vol 1 “Construction”, Vol 2 contains 18 chapters.

  • Introduction and Acknowledgements…
  • How I Approach Painting an AFV (Armored Fighting Vehicle…creating contrast between details choosing an airbrush and compressor, troubleshooting your airbrush, airbrushing a base coat, airbrushing a camouflage pattern, cleaning your airbrush, brush painting base coats and camouflage
  • Applying Basecoats & Camouflage…. choosing an airbrush and compressor, troubleshooting your airbrush, airbrushing a base coat, airbrushing a camouflage pattern, cleaning your airbrush, brush painting base coats and camouflage
  • Colour Modulation…..basic colour modulation, advanced colour modulation, colour modulation over contours, new colour modulation
  • Filters…. Airbrushing filters, applying filters by brush, speckling filters (chalk marks)
  • Applying Markings & Insignia….Applying decals, dry transfers, painting markings by hand, applying markings using stencils and masks
  • Applying a Winter White Wash…..
  • Washes…. Washes over a Satin Surface, washes over a matt surface
  • Fading & Adding Shadows…. Adding shadows and fading on a single tone finish, fading and adding shadows over camouflage
  • Paint Chipping Effects….chipping with a sponge and paint brush, paint chipping using hairspray
  • Painting Exterior Components & Details…wooden handles, steel tools and details, painting spare track, painting lights, periscopes, painting exhaust pipes, painting rubber road wheels
  • Painting Mild Steel Surfaces & Rust…painting light gauge mild steel and screens, painting a steel plate
  • Adding Earth Tones & Effects…applying dust and rain-marks, earth spatters (dirt splatters), weathering tracks, heavy dust and thick layers of earth
  • Painting Steel Road Wheels….
  • Simulating oil, grease & spilt (spilled) fuel
  • Exhaust & Smoke Effects
  • Painting Impacts
  • Simulating Worn Painted Steel

The above items address skills and techniques that separate the average model from the truly spectacular piece of work. Wilder’s explanations, supported by clear and detailed text and by excellent color images will help a modeler, be they novice or expert, to build a tool box filled with skill and develop the techniques to execute those skills at a high level.

This volume, Vol 2, along with Vol 1 combine to make an excellent resource which is at one’s fingertips, complete with well described techniques, and with a description of the tools and supplies required.

Adam Wilder has done a masterful job preparing this combined work and it is highly recommended that whatever genre of modeling one considers one’s favorite, the skills and techniques described are universal.

Thanks to Casemate Publishers for providing the review sample and to IPMS/USA for the opportunity to review it.

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