World Dust Liquid Pigments Set

Published on
July 9, 2023
Review Author(s)
Product / Stock #
Company: Green Stuff World - Website: Visit Site
Provided by: Green Stuff World - Website: Visit Site

Green Stuff World is a Spanish company that supplies paints, weathering products, and scenery effects. They are among the newest hobby companies to provide IPMS/USA review samples. As such, I was eager to use and review this new product. According to the Green Stuff World website, the liquid pigment sets (Earth, Rust and Dust) were “especially designed to create weathering effects similar to those achieved through powdered pigments, but have the benefit of not needing a pigment fixer to bind them.” Instructions to use the liquid pigments are on their webpage and YouTube.

These pigments can be used both by brush and airbrush, are fast drying in a matt finish, are advertised as non-toxic water-based paints, are non-flammable and contain no latex.

The Dust Liquid Pigments Set (with a side opening box, which in my humble opinion makes it unnecessarily harder to get the bottle you want, versus a top opening box) contains six 17ml bottles, each with a mixing ball, with the following colors:

  • Black Soot (No. 2298)
  • White Dust (No. 2299)
  • Dark Industrial Dust (No. 2300)
  • Industrial Dust (No. 2301)
  • Dark Green Dust (No. 2302)
  • Light Green Dust (No. 2303)

I used spoons for the liquid pigment samples. The spoons were all given a primer of gray, followed by the top of the spoon being brush painted, then the bottom airbrushed, with the line delineated by red tape. The liquid pigments dried hard and held up to further handling, and tape did not lift the previous layer. These pigments airbrush and brush paint well and look good, providing a chalking, muted, flat matte appearance.

The possibilities are amazing, as is this liquid pigment set. These pigments act like a very thinned, airbrush-ready paint. I can see uses for large, textured areas, and perhaps figure painting (I am seriously underqualified to provide any advice in this arena). On the niggle side, the choice of green, light green and white color pigments are a little baffling to me as more traditional dust tones of brown, red, and yellow would seem more on point. On the plus side, there is no solid pigment mess during application. This may be a case of a new product where the application techniques haven’t quite been perfected yet. Having said that, they are easy to use and there will be some experimentation on future builds, and modelers more advanced than me will push these products in new directions.

Profuse thanks to Green Stuff World and IPMS/USA for providing the review sample.


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