Windsock Worldwide Vol.28, No.5

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Softcover, 40 pages (including covers), modeling articles, color-toned drawings
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Vol.28, No. 5
Provided by: Windsock Datafiles - Website: Visit Site

After 28 years of publishing, Ray Rimell’s Windsock Worldwide should be a familiar periodical reference to any serious WWI model aircraft builder. It’s fair to say that any such builder who is not familiar with the publication has been missing a lot and has been pursuing the subject at a great disadvantage when compared to those who look forward to the mailing of each new issue. Windsock Worldwide is, without a doubt, THE reference on the subject.

The September/October 2012 issue continues to deliver what can be best described as the bread and butter of WWI model aircraft news and information. This issue follows the now-familiar format…regular columns presented in order, with the center of the issue devoted to one or more featured subjects. This issue will be of great interest to any model builder who has purchased recent Wingnut Wings’ Fokker Eindecker or DH2 kits, because they comprise the featured subjects.

The issue kicks off with a two-page Readers’ Gallery of nicely finished 1/32 WNW and Roden models – a well-detailed RAF RE.8 and an Albatros D.III painted in Manfred von Richthofen's “blood” scheme. The FRONTLINE NEWS column is followed by LOGBOOK ENTRIES, which reviews Arthur Gould Lee’s new book Open Cockpit, the latest issues of WWI Aero and Over The Front and Cross & Cockade’s 2013 calendar. The ON THE TRANSFER LIST then covers, in considerable detail, seven new WWI decal sets in 1/72, 1/48, and 1/32 scales. Following that, IPMS/USA member Ed Boll provides a photo report on the WWI winners at the 2012 IPMS/USA Nationals in Orlando.

Lance Krieg then continues his Modelling Master Class series with Chapter Eight, DETAILS (Part 1). It is the first of three parts that will cover this important aspect of building any aircraft model. Part 1 addresses propellers and hubs, wheels and undercarriage components, and a great variety of cowling details.

The bulk of the issue is devoted to building Wingnut Wings’ new 1/32 Fokker Eindecker kit. The feature includes 46 color photos and provides useful advice on extra detailing and painting techniques. The centerfold plan in this issue is a surprising full-color 1/32 scale pull-out five-view drawing of the main production Fokker E.III. This is followed by a quick-build of WNW’s DH2, taking the reader through each step in the build, up to the point when paint is applied. There should be more than enough information in this issue to educate and assist anyone planning to build any of these new 1/32 scale Eindeckers or DH2 kits.

The KITBAG column offers up reviews of all WNW 1/32 Eindecker and DH2 kits and BOXED BRIEFS addresses new 1/48 and 1/144 kits. Following that, letters to the editor are covered in the RUDDER POST and a closing photo feature presents three photos of a stunning WNW Pfalz D.III.

I recommend this issue to all WWI aircraft model builders and those with an interest in WWI aviation history.

My thanks to Albatros Productions and IPMS/USA for the opportunity to review another issue of this excellent publication.



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