PZL TS-11 Iskra R Novax

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Review Author(s)
Book Author(s)
Artur Juszczak, Dariusz Karnas
Other Publication Information
Softbound, black and white line drawings, color profiles 24 pages
Product / Stock #
Single No. 10

The Single Series of Mushroom Model Publications focus on a specific airframe, sometimes even down to a specific mod or variant of an airframe, as in this case.

The booklet includes line drawings of the PZL TS-11 in both 72nd and 48th scale, some drawings (probably from some technical manual) with details on the wings and airbrakes, plus a nice walkaround -in black and white) of the airplane. There are a few color pictures showing the cockpit and electronics, plus a 4-view very attractive color profile.

I’m glad the booklet includes color pictures of the cockpit and electronic bays, as those colors are the hard-to-research. External colors are easier to research and even depend on the specific airframe you are modeling.

You can see a short video of every page in the book at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dk6XcJpUJxY

If you are into Polish aircraft, you will love this small booklet. It is a good value for the cost.

Highly recommended.

I would like to thank Model Mushroom Publications and IPMS/USA for the review sample.

Product Picture


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