Masking Sheets
As I sit writing this review, I cannot help but think that I should just be returning from seeing some of you at the IPMS Nationals in San Marcos. Well, hopefully there are better days ahead, and I do already have my hotel reservation set for Las Vegas next year. Like many of you, I have met some great folks over the years and look forward to seeing at least some of those folks again in the future, and meeting even more fellow modelers.
So how much can you really say about masking sheets? Well, this new set from Mig contains five sheets measuring 280 by 195mm or roughly 7-11/16 by 11-1/16 inches, which seems to be a pretty good value for the price. The sheets are yellow in color for the masking material with a slightly rough texture. I measure the masking material as 0.0035 inch or 0.08 mm in thickness with an adhesive similar to that used by Tamiya on their masking tapes as far as “stickiness” is concerned.
I would say that the big plus with these sheets is the size of the material that you have to work with. I am thinking that one could hold the painting diagram for something like a WWI 1/35 scale tank against a window or other light source, and trace out the camouflage pattern for easier application. Large, flat surfaces will be the most easy to tame with this material. Of course there are numerous other uses as you will have the option of cutting the sheets to any width or shape needed. I have no minuses to mention.
In summary, I would highly recommend these sheets to modelers for their masking needs, especially those working on larger projects that require bigger masks than one can accomplish with a single piece of tape. I have not had issues with the adhesive lifting paint in my limited use of the product, but would say that if you are not having issues masking your paint with Tamiya tape, this should work equally well for you.
I would like to thank the folks at Ammo by Mig Jimenez for being gracious enough to provide these Masking Sheets to the IPMS/USA for review! Thanks to Phil Peterson for running the Review Corps along with our Post Master Bill, and the other folks behind the scenes publishing the reviews. Finally, my sincere appreciation to all who take the time to read this.

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