L-29 Nitrogen Nose Bay

Published on
March 17, 2016
Review Author(s)
Product / Stock #
Base Kit
Company: Aires Hobby Models - Website: Visit Site
Provided by: Aires Hobby Models - Website: Visit Site

The AMK L-29 is a superb kit with great detail and options for display. One option is to pose open the nitrogen bay in the nose with a forward opening cover as was seen during pre-flight servicing. While the kit nose base is detailed, Aires offers additional detail cast into these resin replacement pieces for the bay and the cover. I have included pictures of the resin parts and a comparison with the kit pieces (darker gray). Neither the kit nor the Aires set provides the prop for the cover.

The nose area in the kit is a complex build up with one piece molded to form the top of the nose well and the floor of the nitrogen bay. The rear bulkhead of the kit extends the height of the fuselage and is both the back wall of the wheel well and the nitrogen bay. The resin replacement for the nitrogen bay is molded as one detailed piece and replaces two kit pieces; it also includes the top of the nose gear retraction cylinder. To use this set you will need to remove all molded detail on the floor and thin the plastic to accept the resin (as well as thin the resin). You will also need to cut the top of the rear wall off. Please see the instructions scan. The cover is a one for one replacement with the kit part with no surgery required. It does add additional detail.

Frankly this set calls for a lot of surgery in a small area for an incremental increase in the level of detail. Given the integral nature of the kit pieces I opted not to do the surgery. However, the level of detail is greater than that of the kit and if you are comfortable with the work, this step will step you model up a notch. Recommended.


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