Fokker Dr. I: The Aces' Aircraft
I was fortunate enough to review the new Kagero Fokker Dr. I: The Aces’ Aircraft, Legends of Aviation in 3D book. This is the first book in a series of aviation books they are releasing in 3D. Now don’t get freaked out, the whole book is not in 3D, just some prints that show the plane and its components. You get a really nifty 1950’s style pair of 3D glasses, too (the old blue and red kind that some of you might remember from your childhood).
The main reason I asked to review this is because I have six or seven Fokkers at home that need to be built and I figured this book would not only inspire me but give me some photographic references to build a somewhat accurate model. The book did not disappoint in that regard. There is plenty of information, all in English, which shows the Fokker from so many different angles you can’t go wrong. This book practically shows every part of the Fokker Dr. I. I am not being dishonest when I say that. I was amazed that every angle, every nut, every bolt, every tiny piece of what is included in the real Fokker Dr. I is in this book. If you are looking for a book to build an accurate model, this is it. In fact, you will be overloaded with information.
You also get a whole lot of data and pictures. The pictures show many famous Fokker Dr. I’s and there are some really good quality color prints of the aircraft as well. In fact, they are some of the nicest color drawings I have seen. There is a nice section that explains the construction of the aircraft and points out the materials used and the armament. There is a section discussing what different paint schemes were used by the different Jastas. The book contains some tables that show the aces and how many planes they shot down with the Dr. I. and also one that shows the pilots who shot down the most Dr. Is.
The 3D part is very neat to look at, although, in my copy, a few of the graphics were not as 3D as I would like to have seen. The best part of the 3D for me was seeing the rigging pop out and the machine guns. It adds another dimension to the standard 2D graphics. (Yes, I did that on purpose.) Yes, 3D has become a trend, and I am sure this book series is jumping on the 3D bandwagon, but it is a clever perspective. I just hope there is somewhere to get a second pair of the glasses, since these are not super sturdy and I have a 2 year old who loves to destroy things.
All in all, a great looking book on the Fokker Dr. I. The price is not bad, either, which makes this a must-buy for Fokker fans, and even those with a few Fokkers sitting around the house waiting to be built. I am looking forward to more of these 3D books from Kagero. I hope they are as well done and contain as much information as this volume on the Fokker.
A great big thank you to IPMS/USA and especially Kagero for the chance to review this great book!

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