F - 111 & EF - 111 Units in Combat
Osprey Publications is well known for their books on military history and vehicles. This book is a follow up to the earlier Osprey release "General Dynamics F-111 Aardvark", which has also been reviewed.
The book starts with a brief overview of the beginnings of the F-111 and some the growing pains that the F-111 encountered, This book covers all the conflicts that the F-111 was involved. These are as follows Vietnam, El Dorado Canyon (Libya Raid), Desert Storm and a few skirmishes the RAAF were involved in. In each of these sections the author goes into great detail covering the positives and negatives encountered by this aircraft in these actions. Overall the F-111 in combat performed superbly even though in the beginning of its career it encountered many growing pains due to fact of it being rushed into service before it was ready.
The book is loaded with mostly color photographs with a few black and white ones. There is also nine pages with thirty color plates of different aircraft.
I highly recommend this book for modern US jet fans. I would like to thank Osprey Publishing and IPMS/USA for allowing me to be able to review this book.

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