Buccaneer S.2B Mask Set
I've had an Airfix Buccaneer in my to-build pile for about ten years since I bought it in a flea market in Florida. I'd never used die-cut masking sets (or liquid mask) before, so I took up this product as something of a challenge.
The product is relatively easy to use...more so on the canopy and windshield than on the landing gear. Still, you need liquid masking agent to complete the job on the canopy, and I'm not sure I did the job right. After painting and removal of the masks, the canopy had either residue or etching left behind on some of the liquid masked areas. I'd kept the masking on for more than a week, so that might have something to do with it.
I didn't get a chance to photograph the completed windshield. The mask removed some of the paint from one of the frames, so I'll have to go back and do touch-up there.
I'm not 100% satisfied with the results, but I suppose it's fine for a first effort. Now the landing gear pieces don't look so simplistic and toylike as they did unpainted. On with the rest of the build!
Recommended, but only if you've had some experience with liquid masking. Thanks to Eduard and IPMS/USA for my sample.

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