Acrylic Filters

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Company: AMMO by Mig Jimenez - Website: Visit Site
Provided by: AMMO by Mig Jimenez - Website: Visit Site

Ammo by Mig has released an extensive line of acrylic filters, I think there are 30 different colors in the line. This review includes the following colors

  • A.Mig-0808 Marine Blue
  • A.Mig-0811 Yellow Green
  • A.Mig-0823 Medium Brown
  • A.Mig-0824 Tan

Filters are translucent paints (highly diluted paints) that are intended to be applied over a surface -as opposed to washes that are applied on crevices or panel lines- with the intention of subtlety changing the color base and bringing color variation and depth to an otherwise ‘toy-like’ finish.

Filters are applied with a brush by wetting the surface, avoiding having pools or puddles. These filters are acrylic-based, meaning very little to no odor and they dry completely in about 24 hrs. They can be removed with either water or the Ammo by Mig acrylic cleaner. Despite being acrylic based they have relatively little surface tension, spreading nicely over the surface of a model.

The filters are very easy to apply with a brush and they very lightly change the base color. The only thing to remember is to shake them well to get the pigments in suspension.

I applied the Marine Blue filter to the lower side of the elevators in the FW-190. You can barely tell the difference with the horizontal stabilizer. But it is there. They are just a bit darker and richer in color. I also applied the Medium Brown of the RLM 81 on the top surfaces and honestly, I was unable to see the difference.

I then tried to apply these filters to a natural metal finish model, like the P-51B. I applied the Tan color over the machine gun cover panels and the ailerons. It is possible to see a tonal variation on those areas. I then applied the Yellow Green one to the wingtips, but I was unable to see a difference. Curiously enough, I applied Yellow Green to the fuselage spine, between the canopy and the tail and it is possible to see a bit of a different color there.

I must say that I only applied one coat of each color, as I wasn’t quite sure how translucent or opaque each color was going to be. What you see is what you get with one single application. I’m positive that with further applications it is possible to get a light hint of the color to appear. These filters are all about subtlety. Let me say that again: subtlety.

In summary, these filters are easy to apply, easy to clean, have no odor and the only thing to be aware of is that they are very, very subtle, which might imply having to apply the filter in successive coats until reaching the color variation you want. That is actually a good thing, as it allows you to control how “deep” of shade variation you want to get.


I would like to thank Ammo by Mig and IPMS/USA for the review sample.

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