The Jan/Feb 2013 issue of Windsock Worldwide is the first issue of Volume 29, and it continues to deliver the best all-around information about modeling WWI aviation subjects to be found in any publication. The images on the cover clearly indicate that this issue focuses heavily on aircraft recently kitted by Wingnut Wings, but be assured, the publication does not slight other WWI aviation subjects.
Inside, the first regular column, the Reader’s Gallery, presents photo coverage of a 1:6 scale electric-powered flying model of a Hansa Brandenburg D.1, and a Wingnut Wings RNAS Sopwith Pup. Then, following Front Line News and Logbook Entries (that reviews three new titles), Lance Krieg continues his WWI Modeling Master Class with Chapter Eight: Details (Part 3), providing more invaluable advice on creating and adding a wide variety of small details important to any model.