Review Author
Hub Plott
Published on
October 30, 2010
Model Art

Model Art is a well known Japanese model magazine. It is famous for high quality builds and photographs that fully live up to the publication’s name. This issue covers Grand Prix cars from the 1970’s and 1990’s as well as all aircraft of the Japanese Blue Impulse team. Other articles cover the Zvezda 1/48 Bf-109F2; 1/35 JGSDF Type 96 WAPC; 1/48 WWII Japanese Type 94 6-wheel truck; 1/700 USS Independence LCS-2; 1/24 Mazda AZ-1, and a 1985 Mazda RX-7 in 1/24 scale.

The first 40 pages give extensive photographic coverage to Lotus 79 from the 1979 French Grand Prix and the Williams FW14B from the Hungarian Grand Prix 1992. This section has a multitude of photos showing the completed models as well as detail shots of the real cars and photos of the model during construction.

Review Author
Jim Pearsall
Published on
October 30, 2010
Minicraft Model Kits

The Aircraft

In the early 1930s there was a general consensus, particularly among the bomber cadre that Giulio Douhet was right, and that the bomber would always get through to the target, no matter what. On the other side of this discussion were the fighter jocks, who KNEW that shooting down bombers would be simple, and that their superior aircraft, skill and airmanship would always overcome whatever stratagems and defenses the bomber barons could devise. The answer to these arguments was a compromise, a fighter with enough range to accompany the bombers and enough firepower to defeat the enemy fighters.

Most major air forces came to this conclusion also. The results were:

Book Author(s)
Jerry Scutts
Review Author
Brian R. Baker
Published on
October 31, 2010
Specialty Press

The Focke-Wulf FW-200 first achieved fame as one of the world’s first modern, four-engine airliners, although its early career with Lufthansa and Danish Air Lines was relatively brief. Two were exported to Brazil, where they lasted longer than any others, finally being scrapped in 1950. Its airline career was cut short by the outbreak of war, when most FW-200’s were impressed into the Luftwaffe, and most subsequent production aircraft were intended for long range maritime reconnaissance and bombing missions rather than their original transport role.

Review Author
Mark A. Dice
Published on
October 31, 2010

The A-4 Skyhawk is one of the longest serving ground attack aircraft ever designed with its first flight in June of 1954 and many are still in service with several countries today. Designed as a carrier capable ground attack aircraft for the US Navy and US Marine Corps it has served in wars and conflicts for several countries. Over 3000 of these planes were built.

The “Lady Jessie” aircraft are aircraft named in honor of Jessie Beck, a woman who was a close acquaintance of one of VA-164s pilots killed in action in Vietnam; who continued to send care packages to the squadron long after his death. The first plane to display her name was Lt Cdr Dick Perry’s (the pilot killed in action) but later, the CO’s aircraft would bear the honor until the squadron’s disestablishment in 1975.