Review Author
Rod Lees
Published on
February 12, 2020

Thanks to Pavel at Profimodeller for providing IPMS USA the opportunity to review one of their products, and IPMS USA for forwarding it to me to do the review!

I did not know what to expect when I agreed to this; I was surprised to learn it’s an interior bay located in front of the right stabilator on the MiG 23-series aircraft!

In the clear sleeve are a brass sheet with micro-level detail parts, a resin duct, and a length of Pb rod (anyone know what Pb is? Poly bromethane?). The instructions are excellent and show where everything is supposed to go. I set about with the work, and after about 2 hours had what you see in the pictures – excellent!

Book Author(s)
Donald Nijboer, illustrated by Jim Laurier and Gareth Hector
Review Author
Michael Novosad
Published on
November 28, 2012
Osprey Publishing


During World War II, a total of 10,500 V-1 missiles were launched against Britain, of which over 3,900 were destroyed by air and ground defenses. Overall, the attack and subsequent damage could have been much worse, for by the end of the war the Germans had manufactured close to 32,000 flying bombs. The Allied defenses put forward to guard against the V-1 included 23,000 men and women with aircraft, guns, radar, and communications networks installed on coastal sites.

The average speed the V-1 was 350 mph and their average altitude was 3,000 to 4,000 ft. Fighter aircraft required excellent low altitude performance to intercept them and enough firepower to ensure that they were destroyed in the air rather than crash and detonate. Most aircraft were too slow to catch a V-1 unless they had a height advantage, allowing them to gain speed by diving on their target.