IPMS Number

Reviews By Author

Book cover

Railway Guns of WW I

Book Author(s): Marc Romanych and Greg Heuer
Company: Osprey Publishing

Railway guns are in simple terms huge guns on trains. First conceived and fabricated during the American Civil War in 1862 by Confederate forces, railway guns came into being to rapidly bring large artillery where needed. Traditional methods of dismounting a large gun tube and moving them by horse drawn train was time consuming and manpower intensive. European observers sent to scrutinize took… more

Book cover

Sharpshooting Rifles of the American Civil War

Book Author(s): Martin Pegler
Company: Osprey Publishing

The American Civil War was a time of transition, both materially and tactically. On the material side of the equation, metallurgy and weaponry were seeing huge advances. The tactical side struggled to keep pace. When war first broke in 1861 commanders saw the battlefield as a linear environment. That is; long lines of men advancing toward each other to get close enough for the smoothbore… more

Book Coverf

USS Yorktown (CV-5)

Book Author(s): David Doyle
Company: David Doyle Books

The USS Yorktown (CV-5) is one of the important US Aircraft carriers of World War II. Her level of participation in our Pacific Theater of operations is immeasurable in terms of giving as well as taking. With the vast distances involved in the Pacific, it was clear to the military planners of the day a new strategy must be devised. One of the key components of that strategy would hinge on fast… more

Book Cover

Ancestors Footprints: The Somme 1916

Book Author(s): Andrew Rawson
Company: Pen and Sword Books Ltd

Exactly 100 years ago the Battle of the Somme raged. Trenches, the first tanks and an air war all helped raise the bar in terms of death and destruction on an unimaginable scale. The Somme still holds a certain fascination for many people. Many of them visit these Fields of Honor to see where it happened, or maybe trace the paths their family members trod in the past. Whatever the motivation,… more

Book cover

A Visitors Guide The First Day of the Somme Gommecourt to Maricourt

Book Author(s): Jon Cooksey and Jerry Murland
Company: Casemate Publishers

Perhaps no other battle of World War I holds the stature of the Battle of the Somme. Contested from 1 July and 18 November 1916 by eleven divisions of the British 4th Army, and six divisions of the French 6th army against the German 2nd Army commanded by General Fritz von Below. The Somme was bitterly fought with over 1 million casualties on both sides making… more

Box art

Porsche 914/6

Company: Revell, Inc.

Created as a joint project between corporate partners Porsche and Volkswagen, the 914-6 hit the US market badged as a Porsche. It could have been called a Volkswagen, and in Europe, it was!!!! Produced in two mid-engine versions; a woefully underpowered four cylinder (-4) and six cylinder (-6). Each manufacturer had reservations about both versions. Designed to replace the entry level 912, it… more


Hand Pallet Truck

Company: Hauler

One piece of equipment you’ll almost always need any place where freight is handled is a way to quickly move palletized goods from one place to another. Whether a moving a short distance, or in tight quarters a hand pallet truck, or as they’re more commonly called here in the States, a pallet “Jack” or “Mule”, is an indispensable piece of equipment.

Hauler, from the Czech Republic has… more

Box Top

Jawbreaker Dragster

Company: Round 2 Models

The Jawbreaker Dragster is a Round 2 Models reissue of the old MPC kit. Round2models has recently purchased the rights to a number of old favorite models from the past. Names like MPC, AMT, Hawk, Lindburg, and Polar Lights all live again under this banner. All are friendly reminders of days past, and all share in a certain level of nostalgia. How many times have I said “Gee, I’d love to build… more



Company: Hauler

Manufactured in the Czech Republic, this kit contains seven pieces of light gray resin, and an instruction sheet. All parts are nicely cast, and have a pour gate attached. The parts are contained within a small zip lock type bag.

The parts list shows a base, two sides, a back, roof, door and seat. The first order of business is removing the pour gates from the parts. A few passes with… more

Xuron Scissors

Professional Photo-Etch Scissors

Company: Xuron Corporation

Most likely, if you build models, you’re familiar with the Xuron Corporations line of products. Designed by modelers for modelers, Xuron supplies some of the finest cutting tools on the market today. From sprue cutters to these photo-etched cutters the name Xuron is synonymous with high quality.

This product, model # 9180ET is no exception. Engineered to close tolerances these scissors… more