Vought F4U-5N Exhausts

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Product / Stock #
QB 48 666
Base Kit
Hobby Boss 80390 F4U-5N Early Version
Company: Quickboost - Website: Visit Site
Provided by: Aires Hobby Models - Website: Visit Site

Quickboost provides you with one set of Vought F4U-5N flame dampener exhausts. Of note is the re-sealable packaging that Quickboost uses that makes the parts easy to review and then stuff back into the package securely. There are no supplied instructions; you simply swap out the kit provided plastic parts with the new Quickboost replacements. These Quickboost parts are specific replacements for the kit exhausts which replicate a standard F4U-5 without the flame dampened exhausts. If you wish to do a post-war F4U-5N that had its flame dampener exhausts removed for the standard F4U-5 exhausts, I would point you to the Quickboost 48 661 set that is gorgeous.

Quickboost has molded the exhausts perfectly in light grey resin with no apparent bubbles. The Quickboost exhausts provide you with no mold seams to sand off along with a hollowed out exhaust.

Although most paints will adhere to resin alone, I would recommend that you wash the parts to remove any remaining mold release and prime them first. The landing light and venturi tubes will need to be installed with your favorite CA (super glue) or epoxy, as the normal plastic glues or solvents will not react with the resin.

Be very careful removing the part from the resin block. I managed to break off the upper starboard exhausts while removing it from the resin block. Luckily, it broke in a place where the cowl flaps easily hide the repair. Mounting the exhausts was simple with the mounting ring provided by Quickboost. Total preparation time for the exhausts was under ten minutes, including repairing the exhausts I had snapped off. As always, check your reference photos for placement and alignment.

This product is a good way to enhance your F5U-5N Corsair and well worth the time and cost, especially since the flash suppressed exhausts are not included in the Hobby Boss kit. This product is highly recommended due to the superior appearance of the Quickboost parts and attention to detail.

Thanks to Aires Hobby Models and IPMS/USA for the opportunity to review this set.

Product packaging


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