US and German Paratroopers, South Europe 1944

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Company: Master Box Ltd - Website: Visit Site
Provided by: Dragon Models USA - Website: Visit Site
Box Art

Thanks first to Dragon models USA for providing IPMS USA this interesting set of figures; your support is greatly appreciated…. And thanks also to IPMS USA’s leadership for the stream of things for me to work on!

This set contains six figures; two U.S. GI’s in a semi-crouch, two Werhmact Fallschrimjaegers in a similar crouch, and two standing females who are the object of the military figures’ attention between the opposing forces; these are posed so one is pouring water over the other in a shower mode. A fanciful encounter, but interesting in that it could have occurred, and with what final outcome is yet to be known.

The figures are all well molded, and sculpture is excellent; the facial features, in particular, are extremely well done. Each body is proportioned and matches what is on the box art.

The two GI’s are composed of two leg assemblies cemented together in the lower torso region, to which the upper torso is cemented. Arms are attached, and then the detail bits are added. The heads are single-piece items with attachment to the collar region around the neck; the heads are fully formed with excellent detail… no flat or half-heads.

The poses are natural in appearance; no “stiff” legs, etc; one figure is on a knee in a low crouch; the other is in a partial bend

Helmets are single piece items

Gear includes ammo pouches, M-1 Garands, .45 Colt automatics, boot knives, canteens haversacks, and unbuckled straps for the helmets.

The Fallschrimjaegers are set up in similar fashion as the U.S. gents… parts count is about the same, and the figures are also posed in concealment/observation.

What transforms this set are the center figures; the two ladies are obviously in a moment of privacy, and both teams of opposing forces seem to have stumbled into the clearing. I shall refrain from comment other than these figures are also well done and accurate… consisting of two lower torso/legs, upper torsos, facial and head features, and arms… one of the figures holds a standard household water vase.

Thanks again to Dragon models USA, and Masterbox for the flood of new releases. The modeling world is not dead by a long shot!


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